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MI Questionaire

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Elite Member
Jan 14, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Here's an E-Mail I received recently. What do you all think? I don't feel the need to reply. MI is only "fill in" work for my office. I don't think they need to know any of this. What say all of you? Brian?????

Dear Valued Appraiser,

Please take a minute to fill out this quick survey of 8 questions, hit
reply and send back to me by Monday March 4, 2002. Thank - you very much
for your time!

1.) Which State(s) do you perform appraisals in?

2.) What data sources do you use to get subject property and comparable
sale data for your appraisals?

3.) Do you use MLS data YES_____ NO_____ If yes where do you get it?
(Please provide name of MLS access provider and MLS Board if different)

4.) What % of the time do you use MLS data to complete your appraisals?

5.) How much do you pay for your MLS data? (please specify if a monthly,
quarterly, yearly or other amount)

6.) Do you have to pay in addition to MLS fees to join a Board of Realtors
or other group in order to be able to join the MLS board and have access to
the MLS data? If yes how much? (please specify if a monthly, quarterly,
yearly or other amount)

7.) Are there other services you need provided to you electronically?

8.) Would you cover a bigger geographical area if you had the property
data? If yes what areas?


Brian Loughlin
Operations Manager Appraisal Department
Market Intelligence, a Division of Fidelity National Information Solutions
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I haven't gotten my questionaire yet. I'll have a return questionaire ready in case I do.

Think Spring!
Think the bottom line has any points of interest :?:

Brian Loughlin
Operations Manager Appraisal Dept.
Market Intelligence (market spy) a Div.of FIdelity National Information Solutions 8O

Yep-I think we should supply all those folks with info. so we could be outa work sooner - don't you :?:

What Bank do you think 8)
I received a similar questionnaire. My response, to the best of my recollection, was that I wouldn't even give my mother that information.
It's a known fact, they are not doing this survey to assist us. Wade
I have not and will not respond. Thanks all.
I am a member of the Great Plains Board of Realtors (Omaha, NE). The MLS service is through Fidelity National/Vista. It is my understanding that Fidelity purchased Vista in the past year or so. This questionaire makes me wonder what they are up to, if in fact, this Fidelity National Information Solutions is the same company. If this company is planning a service to better serve appraisers, great, but if they are planning to make sales, etc, information more available to the public or to lenders, I have real concern. This is a company that has access to all our MLS data. I would hate to see that they are doing something else that could be counter productive as far as the appraiser is concerned. I plan to contact my RE Board Monday to make see what they know about this.

George Cramton-Omaha, NE Appraiser
I received a similar one recently, and dumped it too. I have also seen similar requests other places, like some of the appraisal magazines. It is my opinion that most of these are to find MLS sources and prices, to use for AVM's, some of them are even looking for appraisers to work for them inputting MLS data to validate otherwise worthless AVM reports.

Here's an E-Mail I received recently. What do you all think? I don't feel the need to reply. MI is only "fill in" work for my office. I don't think they need to know any of this. What say all of you? Brian?????

Dear Valued Appraiser,

Please take a minute to fill out this quick survey of 8 questions, hit
reply and send back to me by Monday March 4, 2002. Thank - you very much
for your time!


Brian Loughlin
Operations Manager Appraisal Department
Market Intelligence, a Division of Fidelity National Information Solutions
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