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MLS requirements

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Steve Maxwell

Sophomore Member
Jan 31, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
My local Realtor board now requires full membership into the NAR/IAR/ and our local Egyptian Board of REaltors to have full access to the Egyptian MLS. I'm wondering if other appraisers are being required to become Realtors as well?
This really concerns me because I left the Coldwell Banker office 2 years ago to concentrate on appraising. Appraisers in my area have had limited access to the MLS for many years. The rules have now changed and our limited access will now only include "SOLDS" Our only choice is to join with full membership to have access to active, pending, or withdrawn listings.
The extra cost is not the issue. It was a perception of many past clients that it was a big conflict of interest to hold membership in the Realtors association and be an appraiser. I also still have my real estate broker's license in my name, but it's unusable because I do appraising from my home and Illinois law prevents me from also selling real estate from my home. If I am paying for full REaltor membership I would like to use my broker's license. I'm feel like I'm back to where I was 2 years ago........What to Do? What to Do?
That is the way its been on our board for years. Full membership has it's advantages. I keep my brokers license active just for this reason. Even did a couple of sales this past year, one was my own home.
My $.05 worth

I have been a Realtor for 28 years, selling real estate for the first eleven years and as a full time appraiser for the last seventeen . I've been Board President, served on the MLS for years, taught orientation for too long, was a mediator and on various other committees. I gave up my brokers license over ten years ago but maintain my full membership

I've had no problem with people when I tell them I am a Realtor. I tell them I am dedicated to my profession organization and that I have full access to all MLS data by virtue of my Realtro membership.

It sure works for me. My Realtor friends are some of my best sources of business. They make referrals to me, they hire me to appraise a property when the owner doesn't believe their value indication, etc. My Realtor friends are alos a vital source of information if the MLS information isn't complete. I wouldn't try to do my job without my Board of Realtors. As a member I can, and do, give my Executive Officer and the board officers my thoughts about the quality of data that goes into the computer. I work with my Board to make my job easier. I constantly remind them of the things that get submitted incorrectly. Yes, I get a bit fanatical about it sometimes but I think they appreciate it as it is all for the good of the board.

Be a Reatlor. Use your membership to advantage.
Maybe I am just fortunate but our MLS gives me full access the data. I think the reason is that they had problems when they set up my account in our new system and could get me set as an appraiser and just gave me full Realtors rights? But who am I to complain?? :lol:

Like Dave I offer input to the MLS director. We have a great lady that runs ours. She is always willing to listen to my suggestions and complaints. My only real complaint is that I have to be a member of the Alabama Realtor Association to join the MLS. But that is the just the price of doing buisness I guess.

Personally I belive Appraisers should have full access and the only reason we don't is that the people who set up these boards just really don't understand our jobs.

You will gain more than you loose. Get on the MLS committee and help them Realtors into a professional mode(ie accurate info)

Good Luck, and go for it-ed in arkansas

My local Realtor board now requires full membership into the NAR/IAR/ and our local Egyptian Board of REaltors to have full access to the Egyptian MLS. I'm wondering if other appraisers are being required to become Realtors as well?
This really concerns me because I left the Coldwell Banker office 2 years ago to concentrate on appraising. Appraisers in my area have had limited access to the MLS for many years. The rules have now changed and our limited access will now only include "SOLDS" Our only choice is to join with full membership to have access to active, pending, or withdrawn listings.
The extra cost is not the issue. It was a perception of many past clients that it was a big conflict of interest to hold membership in the Realtors association and be an appraiser. I also still have my real estate broker's license in my name, but it's unusable because I do appraising from my home and Illinois law prevents me from also selling real estate from my home. If I am paying for full REaltor membership I would like to use my broker's license. I'm feel like I'm back to where I was 2 years ago........What to Do? What to Do?


Dave Smith provides some very usefull advice. Unfortunately, there is a perception the term REALTOR is synonymous with 'HOUSE SELLER'. It is not. The term REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics. Membership in a Local Board or Association is governed by their bylaws, but all accept Licensed and Certified Appraisers as REALTOR® members.

As an appraiser, membership in the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® entitles you to participation in the Appraisal Section. The NAR Aprpaisal Section awards designations for Residential and General Appraisers, provides you a listing in their online roster, gives weekly email updates, representation at The Appraisal Foundation, The Association of Appraiser Regulatory Officials and a Legislative and Regulatory Voice. Dues for the Section are the best deal going; the cost is $0.00 in addition to your Local, State and National dues.

Take a peek at THIS SITE for more information.

There are quite a few things going on with Appraisers and NAR.
Thanks Dave and others for your sound advice. I held my Realtor disignation proudly for almost 10 years and am still one of the charter members of our MLS way back in '93. I had been as active as my time and family would permit. I made the decision to leave the realty I was with party on the advice of our former state commissioner of the appraisal division who made it clear that while co-licensing in Illinois is legal, there can be a conflict of interest for those who do both. I was very careful for over four years not to let the conflict interfer. Meanwhile, I was losing commission on properties I had previously appraised and losing appraisal fees for homes I was selling. Of the two licenses I view the appraisal license as the more valuable. Consequently, I hold my broker's license as active in my own name. I have and continue to get many referrals from my former Realtor friends and see several quite often. The wealth of information that is available from NAR, etc is worth the cost of membership. I'm constantly using the info in real estate classes I teach. Thanks again.
I 1st joined our association as an affiliate, (appraiser). Then I became a licensed agent, which made me join as a full REALTOR. I have since left the REALTOR side, but hold my license with a referral company. It cost me $65 a year.

I checked into becoming an affilate again just yesterday. It is less expensive to stay as a REALTOR member. As they charge more for MLS to affiliates for just SOLD info.

There are a lot of appraisers who are affilates. My question was/is how can an appraiser be an affiliate without the current listings?

There is no need to have a brokers license. NAR rules state that any certified appraiser must be allowed to have full access to MLS, just the same as a broker. Now, by joining, you will become a REALTOR but you do not have to be a broker. And yes, you must pay full prices, like a broker.

I am a full member of 3 MLS systems and do not have and never will have a brokers license.
I am a Realtor and proud of it.

I've been one since 1975. First as a broker until 1993 and then as an appraiser. I sit on the Broad of Directors for our MLS. We have an appraiser as a director of the Board itself. That way, the organization gets our input into some very critical areas. Sure I don't sell but that does not make me any less a Realtor.

In addition, since I am a member of our MLS, we have reciprocity with 8 other nearby boards and have free access to their systems and data. 9 MLS services for the price of one (about $30 per month). And we can lend our voice to the industry. Not a bad deal I would say.

You might want to consider joining.
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