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Mobile MLS

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Senior Member
Jan 31, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
Does anyone have any experience with "mobile" MLS data. I got a Demo of a product that ported the local MLS Data to a Palm OS for 35$ a month PLUS wireless access time and equiptment. Unfortunately I am on a Pocket PC, but it may be ported to PPC at a later time. Seems like it would really help when I didn't have the right comps.
Try posting over on the tech forum, there are alot of new products over there.
Isn't that where I am?? (checking sign on door).....
:lol: The sign may have been upside down. The post started in General, but was moved by the File Master. :wink:
I like the idea, but I probably won't have access to it for another 100 years. Most areas in my neck of the wood still do not have cell service.
We use the Supra lock box system and one of the "keys" is a Palm PDA 505.

Upon puting it on the charging cradle/charger it will down selected fields from the MLS System(Quest)

Now if the Software firms will perfect a Mobile Data gathering System for Appraisers rather for programmers we could use the Palm for field inspections also.

Many say the Palm is not powerful enough(Bull) if it can hold several fiels of data from the MLS system it can gather one simple page of info for the URAR.

Will pay $1,000 for a decent field gathering system using the Palm that will import to ACI.

Ed in Arkansas

You might want to check with your software co as I believe there are a couple of them (appraisal software companies) who now provide data gathering software for the Palm PC.

I know that alamode has "Pocket Total" for this purpose. There is also a Pocket Apex for sketching (with the Palm).

I have not used either as yet as I haven't yet justified the additional cost (don't currently own a Palm).
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