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Ron in AR

Sophomore Member
Jan 16, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I've been referring lenders and AMC folks to read this forum. Turns out most of them come here and I didn't know it.

I don't see that many non-appraiser posts on here. A dialogue could be beneficial to every one of us.

I know I don't post that much but if you're a non-appraiser I'd love to know what you think on some of these topics.

Speak up.

Ron in AR
The lenders are probably afraid to post, and I don't blame them.
Most lenders are not trained to understand our job and what responsibilities it entails (assuming we are ethical and following USPAP rules). In all fairness, the reverse can be said about appraisers not understanding what lenders do...I certainly don't remember anything in my textbooks or classes that covered the subject, and I'm still trying to understand it.
It surprises me how quickly most appraisers ASSUME that ALL lenders are self-centered and money-grabbing, when in fact their future is very closely linked to ours.
If the mortgage biz takes a big dump, then they stand to lose too, and the more that appraisers can point this out to them the better off we'll all be.
It would be like a domino effect (or a blame game).... the investors will look at the defaulted mortgages they are holding where the property can't be sold for the loan amount....and WHACK!....they won't be doing business with that mortgage broker anymore, or his appraisers. Sure, the appraisers are the ones with insurance so they'll end up taking the most heat, but black-listed mortgage brokers aren't going to come out of it smelling like a rose either.
I truly believe that there are plenty of lenders out there who understand this, and they should feel comfortable and welcome to post in this forum if they have questions or concerns.
I've read a lot of posts on this board and have found them very informative. Its always helpful to hear about other appraisers' experiences and opinions on the future of the appraisal profession. I'll probably be posting more in the future.
Dee Dee, you hit the nail on the head :!:
I visit and read other forums like the mortgage lenders Grape Vine post. It is interesting, they have many of the same problems we have. Like trying to make an honest living while having to compete with the crooks that just don't care about any after effects. Just as we have visitors on this forum, I am a visitor on the others to read and learn what is going on. These forums can be good info resources.
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