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Network problem

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Sophomore Member
Jan 24, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
To any and all network experts; This is the problem.....I have about 10 computers hooked up to a dedicated NT Server. All the workstation computers are Windows 98. I purchased one new computer with XP Professional for my office. I have Appraisal Partner Software. The problem is on the XP Computer only, when I try to save to the server it takes 20 to 30 seconds. It saves eventually but it's has a hard time finding the file to save. All other computers with Windows 98 save immediately, never had a problem. My network guy says it's the appraisal software (16 bit vs 32 bit), the software people say it's a communication problem with the network (talk to your network guy). All other other older software programs work fine with the Server and XP. As usual I'm stuck in the middle waiting for the day I lose 3 days of work. Any suggestions out there?


Dubble-check (yeah, I know "double") your network settings for consistency .. that is TCP/IP, or NETBUI or whatever .. your new machine may not be set to the same standard as the others. Also, you're prolly logging onto an NT domain .. make sure that's consistant, and happening ..
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