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New reason (but really old) not to work Saturdays

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Tim Hicks (Texas)

Elite Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I decided to work this weekend. So, after spending all morning in a gym without air conditioning watching my daughter's basketball games, I inspected three properties. On my way home, I get a call from my wife. It seems that the police station has been getting calls about me circling neighborhoods taking pictures of houses. Of course, I was doing nothing wrong, but the police scolded my wife for me not informing the public of my actions. I asked her to get the names of the complaintants and I would go up to their doors and explain. I bet that would really go over well. So, my new excuse for not working Saturdays will be there are too many people home and I can't perform my job without a police escort. Ah, I can dream can't I? by the way, has anyone else noticed how many people are home during the week when neighborhoods used to be ghost towns on week days.
Stpped working on weekends for just that reason, you wind up spending more explaining what your doing vs working. will work on puter at home finishing jobs only. don't see many people around during the week, cause in most instances, both need to work to support their habit for their housing today 8O

I still work the occasional weekend when I get backed up, like yesterday. If anyone is out in their front yard I either get out the telephoto or use the county data base photo or the MLS. It's not worth the hassle of irate homeowners, since it seems everyone is on edge since 9/11.

I have been pulled over twice by the police while taking comp photos, luckily after I showed them my clipboard they realized I was a nerd appraiser. Also had a woman cut me off with her car, she thought I was photographing children in the neighborhood.

Always an adventure.

If one was walking down the street and taking pictures of houses I really feel there would be less direct reaction to it all. There is something about the car, and being in a car, and being able to "make a get-away" that gets these folks worked up. No matter how prepared you are as you approach, with camera ready and window down, sometimes it takes about 1.3 seconds after the moment you stop to snap the shutter that one comes to the front door, opens it and steps half-way out, and gives you that stare-down. Often looks like they just got out of bed and with cigarette in hand, or mouth, and makes you wonder if they actually do watch the world go by all day long from that front door or living room window. One time when this guy blurted out the "Heh, what are you doing ?" question I projected back from my driver's seat that I was reporting for the local realty board on homes with the higher market value in select neighborhoods of the city and needed some photos for the report. He smiled proudly and nodded his head, and I drove away, with his dump in my rear view mirror. I got my picture, he felt proud, and the police did not come track me down.

Have you ever been awarded the BSer of the year award. That is a beautiful line you handed out.

I like to avoid the tooo early jobs on weekdays due to school buses and kids out on the curb waiting for the bus. I'll do an appointment prior to 8:30 but I try to wait on comps until after 8:30. I also try to avoid that afternoon rush hour and kids coming home from school.
I have still yet to come up with a good explanation for the homies and gang bangers that think I am " five Oh" taking pictures of their stolen cars or them, useually I just make the quick get away.
I haven't had much trouble in my neck of the woods. Just yesterday I went to shoot a sale in a fairly poor neighborhood. A lady was sitting on the edge of the porch planting something when I got there. I got out of the car, walked up to her and handed her my card. (I always take these times as a chance to do some marketing.) I said "I need to use your property purchase from last January as a comparable sale for one nearby that I am appraising." No problem-- she walked back to the curb with me to get out of the picture. To date, I have never had anyone tell me no.

My favorite encounter happened a couple of summer's ago. I got out pretty early one morning and took my son with me. I snapped the photo and then looked down at the multi-list book to be sure I had all the info right. A big voice about two feet from my ear suddenly said "What are you doing here?" It was our state representative (I happened to be in my own district). I was so flustered that I reached out and shook his hand with my left hand. When I told him who I was and what I was doing, it was fine. Later I told him, I sure would hate to be a burgler in your neighborhood.
Weekend comp photos used to present a problem for me until I perfected my current system.
Now I always carry with me the MLS printout AND the MLS photos of all comps. If there is a situation where I feel uncomfortable taking a photo, I simply look at my MLS photo, establish that it's the correct photo and simply use the MLS photo and comment that said comp photo is from
MLS....never had a problem.....I do miss the days when you HAD to take a photo....the pre-digital MLS photo days.....I still always ask permission to shoot a photo if anyone is in the yard, but I had one instance where an old goat was checking his mailbox and when I asked to take
a photo he said hell no and walked away.....well my photo of comp #1 had a house and a closeup posterior photo of a grumpy home owner.......the rear was rather large too.....no underwriter queries on that one......on a lighter note, I’ve only had one real honest to God comp photo car chase....I took the photo of what appeared to be a slam dunk house....ie. not a soul in site.......well, 8 blocks away when I was
at the subject to begin work, out of nowhere a girl was right in my face wanting to know what kind of pscyho I was.....well, I showed her the MLS info and explained what I was doing. I also went into the Bucks charm mode and asked her how she got such a fantastic deal on her house........the problem is that since then she hasn’t left me alone......she now calls me about 3 times a week.....that’s been the story of my life......I try to work hard and stay out of trouble, but the chicks just won’t leave me alone. :-)
Finishing reports on the computer ONLY. No inspections, no field work, comp photos, none.

The first time you do it, they'll be pleasantly surprised, but next time it will be expected.

the third time you had better or you're fired.

Sound familiar?
Kinda with you. I shoot comps during the week. Look at property during the week, try to put inspections between 10am and 3 pm Tu - Wen -Th, research, and do paperwork...endless paperwork...I am trying to get my hay up, so I am in the field working afternoons the past week

About 9 Fri...phone has quit ringing and will be quit until Mon. usually. So, I get about 3 hr. in writing reports, Sat. I will get 3-8 hr. in. Sunday evening, about 3. This usually will catch up my reports. Mondays are a loss for anything but proofing the subs reports, paperwork, paperwork.


ps - need any good bermuda horse hay...?
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