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Number of Certified USPAP instructors. Wanna guess?

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Bob Ipock

Elite Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
North Carolina
0,000I just got an e-mail from The Appraisal Foundation with a list of AQB Certified USPAP Instructors. A nationwide list.

How about a guess or two before I give the official count?

Now remember, starting NEXT YEAR, every appraiser in the country will have to take a 7 hour USPAP class froma Certified Instructor every 2 years.

The nationwide appraiser count is somewhere between 65,0000 and 90,000 depending on who you ask.

How many Certified Instructors will we need? How many do we have as of today?
no poll? My guess two and they are the two guys at AQB.
109 nationwide (4 here in North Carolina)
109 Nationwide? Hope those fella's have a lot of chairs and big class rooms. Otherwise, we could be sitting in each others laps. I volunteer for Pam's. :wink:
What!?!?! 8O

OK Ben....

#1: Are you married?

#2: How old are you?

#3: If you pass the first 2, please provide your credit report, portfolio, references and a picture.

Pam indeed does have a very fine lap. I had the pleasure of meeting her in Charlotte, NC last year. I was not allowed to sit on her lap but it was a nice to meet her.

As to be expected, California has far more instructors (13) than any other state. Washington has 6, and there are several states (6) with 5 instructors. I wonder which state has the highest ratio of instructors to licensed appraisers?

I recognize at least 5 names on that list as being frequent fliers on this forum. That's a pretty good representation, considering how wild we tend to get here.

George Hatch
Good question. North Carolina has 950+- appraiser per instructor (3800 divided by 4).

I know there is a class in Raleigh in August and tne NCAB board members and staff will be taking it.

Is the approved list available on the internet.
I used to have a lap..before I got tied to this computer desk and gained 90 #
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