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Kelleen Hellmann

Freshman Member
May 3, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I am trying to use a template no problem BUT when I create a special pac for that template, which it does - lets call it SAMPAC, when I create a New file with a SAMPAC pak it ghosts my template? All I want is what I had with MCS...Clone all forms with template info. Spoke to ACI today. He showed me ...Tools...Pak Utilities...Create. Did that. But again when I try to make a New file and use the New Pak Utility I created (SAMPAC) the template is ghosted. The pac is there yeah but no the info...am I doomed forever to use my template with the standard 1004 pak and then alway add/remove forms???? Or can I just change their "standard 1004" pak - will that work? Awaiting an ACI call tom morning but thought someone might up... I screwed up should have gone with Wintotal all the bad press is just cuz nobody uses ACI but a few. Thanks
IT IS confusing.

It can be done but cannot remember how.

There are several GURUS on the forum and hopefully they will respond.

Sorry I cannot help, ed in arkansas

i don't follow how your doing the template; here's what i do- pull up what ever form your going to use, pak-whatever, then i plug in all the info i want & pages; then set up the forms; then save as template. It may be a longer way around, but the templates have all i want except for periodical add ons when needed.

Good Luck


I ditto jtroota comment, but want to ask you have you learned to import fileds? this should eleiminate some of your typing, since you can pull fields and sections off of existing reports into your new template before you save it...

I believe you should also be able to modify your template once created, but not sure exactly how: you might try modifying it and then save as whatever you named it in the first place(?)... It sounds however as if you made some minor misstep in initail setup and like many others I can't remember how to 'set one up' as I haven't done it for a while...

I will cast around Monday and see if I can locate my class notes from a seminar I took a few years ago... I know its here someplace :oops: :oops: It is way past time to clean the office :roll:
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