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partnership proposition

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Stephen J. Vertin MAI

Senior Member
Jan 17, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
I am looking for a residential appraiser in western Michigan who is interested in learning the commercial business. I am looking for a seasoned appraiser who has a good handle on the sales comparison approach and some understanding of income capitalization. This is not a job offer it is a partnership proposition so I did not think it was suitable to put it in the jobs section. I was general partner of a larger company that still has three locations in the area and have a number of commercial real estate contacts. I sold out my partnership with a non-compete clause that recently expired. The growth potential is fantastic. The major component I seek is honesty and integrity. No number makers. If anyone knows someone interested call me at 1-312-558-1478. Our conversation will be totally confidential.

Steve Vertin
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