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Polaroid Digital Solutions announcement

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Dave Smith

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser

The following news release was announced on Thursday and is also posted on
the www.polaroidforms.com website. Future announcements will be posted to
the website and also posted to this forum.


George Opelka


Polaroid Digital Solutions Launches New Website
Company's Five Brands Consolidated Under One Umbrella

St. Joseph, Michigan, May 23, 2002 - Polaroid Digital Solutions (PDS), a
leading supplier of intelligent forms technology, announced today the launch
of its new corporate website, www.polaroidforms.com.

George Opelka, Vice President of Polaroid Digital Solutions remarks, "The
new site integrates all of our brands and companies under a common umbrella.
For years we have been one company; however many of our users still know us
by the brand they currently use. The new site allows all of our clients,
from ACI, MCS, and CRAL to Lighthouse and PolaroidForms, to view,
understand, and gain easier access to cross-brand products, which may better
serve them. For example, it will now be easier for our MCS clients to see
the advantages of the ACI platform, which in turn will help them determine
if they would like that migration path. Additionally, from a single
launching point, prospective and future clients can gain access to
information on all our solutions, from real estate and insurance to
corporate inspection, as well as custom technology offerings. Finally, the
site integrates our ASP worksites such so that all users can gain access
from a central location."
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