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Preping for the FHA Exam

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Jeff Horton

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I asked this question previously but its worth asking again. Now that I have the State Exam behind me I am going for the FHA approval. I am a Home Inspector so this seems a natural choice. Plus I have been doing Rural Housing loans which require a similar inspection.

Anyway my question is what is the best way to prepare? Obviously reading the manual. But any other suggestions? Isn't there some sample questions available somewhere?

I believe the 200 sample questions are on the HUD site .. if not, check around .. I'd downloaded them ..

Pardon my ignorance, but you say you are a home inspector. Are you also an appraiser? If so, at what level in your state. You cannot get on the FHA panel if you are not appropriately licensed (with the exceptions of the mistakes that HUD has made).

Don't sweat the test, it's simple. Go over the 200 sample questions that Bill from NY mentioned, and read the manual. There are a few HUD/FHA specific type of questions (like the "fall distance" of high voltage transmission towers) that you only can get from reading the manual. Other stuff is basic 101 type questions. Back in summer of 99 when everybody was scambling to get approved, appraisal organzations where offering courses for it . In my opinion course taken was waste of time, as the test was so basic.
The FHA test is a joke. Anyone who has appraised more than a month or two can pass it without any special studying. The post about reading the downloaded questions is good because that is more than you will need to pass the test.
Granted, the test is simple.

BUT not for the people FHA is trying to keep off the Roster!

THEN, if you ace the test and make enough mistakes on FHA appraisal(s) to catch the eye of the Beholder (i.e., FHA), you'll pay for it with damage to your self-esteem, and possibly your career.

Everybody will soon know that you are a stumbler or loser.

The "I don't take tests well" must never be revealed to another human being. It's a sign of flawed character. A person must practice to overcome this "weakness."

It's not an attribute to be proud of. If that's an appraiser's badge, you are not strong enough to stand up to the "Axis of evil" forces in the lending-appraisal industry.

We've all had our moments. That's one of the reasons this is a "mature persons'" industry. Every new incident is a building block -- literally!

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