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Pretty Pictures

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Tony in Ohio

Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Can anyone tell me how to add a picture in my posts? I see the box to check in the profile section and know that it asks for a URL... But thats where I get lost.

Is there a place on the web I can "get" the graphic?

Is there a place on the web I can post a Photo.

I appreciate the help as I'm only part weenie (tech that is), but I'm getting bigger every day. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Put the url to your photo in the posting box. Then highlight it. Then click the "img" button above. It will enclose your highlighted text in code that will make your image viewable.

The above instructions also apply to formating your text, making it bold, different colors, etc.
Thanks Wayne, for the forum and your help.

I think I understand the concept, and how to attach a photo from this site, my problem is how do I get the photo/graphic in the first place.

I know there are Photo storage sites on the web ( I remember reading about a couple of guys who sold theirs for something like 100 Mil, and buying it back 2 years later for 1 Mil) but I have never used any, dont know any, and dont know the standard procedures.

any recomendations are greatly appreciated.

Most ISP's provide up to 5Mb for your personal web page. Is addressed in the form http://www.provider.net/~<your login name>.

You'll need some form of FTP program (eg. WS_FTP95LE, available form http://www.shareware.com) to upload your file and park it there. Worse comes to worse you can e-mail it to me, and I'll upload it onto my site and provide you the url to point to it.

Questions, just ax!



Your into flying and such...do you think if the wind blew real hard my dog would fly away? actually she is practicing transcendental Meditaion.

I post my photos on Webshots..no FTP junk.and it is free!


Try it out.

Thanks for the Info guys! :D

I was thinking about using the Logo of the Ohio State Buckeyes but I suspect there may be some copyright issues. I will check these out and see if its worth it, or I may find something else.

Thanks again,
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