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Put those prolific writing skills to good use.

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Bob Ipock

Elite Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
North Carolina
I often read with some of the lonnnnnng posts on here (under the topic of Improving the Profession/Political Action) about individual cases, complaints, state board actions and all that is wrong with the appraisal profession. Does ANYONE write to and keep informed the legislators that make state board appointments, federal officials that oversee The Appraisal Foundation activity and others in a position to actually cahnge anything?

What I am hearing from state legislators (at least in NC) is that many have NEVER had any contact with an apprasiser who had concerns about the profession, the NCAB or our future. Politicans are not likely to be concerned about our problems unless they HEAR about our problems.

Is anyone out there doing anything along the line of State Appraisal Board appointments? From reading this forum, one would assume that NEARLY ALL state board members are liars, crooks, thieves and morons. Why do we accept this? If you are unhappy with your state board members, what are you doing about it? Have you contacted your legislators?

Have you found out How board appointments are made in your state? Have you found out WHO makes these appointments? Have you found qualified people interested in serving on a state board and then CONTACTED the officials that will make the appointments?

IF ANYONE of you is seeking a board seat, in ANY state...please send me your resume and I will read some of your posts and be glad to write the powers that be on your behalf. I have written to five states so far, on behalf of dedicated appraisers.

As long as state boards are charged with enforcement of appraisal regulations, USPAP, state laws and oversight of appraisers.....then STATE BOARDS are where our efforts for change and reform must take place.

I certainly enjoy this forum, but spend some of your time where it will make a difference. Venting is great therapy but ACTION is what is needed. The squeaky wheel may get the grease...but only if the folks with the grease gun can HEAR the squeak.


I have written the State, ASC and AI. I also wrote to all of the heads of the various appraisal organizations when Illinois tried to pass what I term the "loony laws". I will continue to do so until issues are resolved. Good post. I urge others to write also. I have been thinking about contacting the media. Possibly I will have time soon. To date I have written 10 to 15 letters. Most responses are very positive.

Steve Vertin
Yeah, me too. I have found most lawmakers and media folks to be interested and responsive if a "fact based" letter is sent. Attack letters will not work on legislators. I tend to send articles, posts, statistics and examples along with letters. IF they NEVER SEE this stuff, they will certainly not be responsive.

Thaks Steve!

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