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Realtor Pressure

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Elite Member
Jan 14, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Does anyone else get pressure from Realtors to "buy off" VC conditions that are either not finished or out of your expertise? Seems in the "heat" of closing a property, Realtors more and more want me to "overlook" things.....OR am I just being picky?

Case in point: Older home, roof looks O.K. from outside but, in one bedroom the closet ceiling has awful water stains. Realtor says "The roof is only 5 years old" can't you just "buy it off" without a roof certification. I told her that since there's no date on a water stain, there's no way to tell when it was made so I called for a professional, licensed roofer to certify the roof. Am I wrong?

Same house OTHER Realtor: I noted that the garage door would not go down when up all the way, she said the repair man was "getting a part" and it would be installed but that they needed me to do the inspection now so that they could close the loan. I said to call me when 100% of the VC conditions were met.

Well......am I being too picky? I don't think so......Are Realtors ignorant when it comes to FHA appraisals? Am I the only appraiser that actually wants my VC conditions to be 100% complete?
Answers to questions as they were posted.

1. Heck no. I would have said hell no but this is a family chat room.

2. Some realtors certainly are. Some are not. I believe its a function of not caring. After all, its your livelihood not theirs.

3. No, because I would make it two. Based on my observations of many postings, I would guess there are many others.
Yes, I get Realtor pressure too. “We have to close this week or the borrower will loose their rate!!!” :roll: Code talk for: I need my commission check NOW!

I am always telling LOs to not wait until the week before closing to order the appraisal. 1. you may not get the repair man or the needed inspection done that quick and 2. I may not be able to drive 40 miles, at the drop of a hat, to do your final. 8O
Blue1 --

It's absurd to rationalize that the roof doesn't leak just because it's new: That's "Realtor-think!"

The garage-door issue could pose a greater hazard to your E&O and your happiness if a kid gets hurt.

Tell the Realtors there's no reason for you to do a less than adequate job just because they haven't thought to save you any time to do your job right; doesn't work that way; you understand the squeeze play as well as the Realtors do.

Call me when the job is ready to be inspected.
why cant the REALTORs take responsiblity?

2 Remax R's

1960's home..
interior paint peeling,
2 broken windows, duct taped,
Hot water heater disconnected from gas supply,
furnace doesnt fire up,
LINO warn through-trip and asbestos hazard,
numerous switch and plug plates missing,

Im the bad guy for noting these things on VC?!
Phone call complain/bitsh/complain
FHA didnt change their guidelines yesterday!

And it was a rush!

pressure is right..

Yeah, you're "singin' my song" we're the "bad guys' the the Realtors are either stupid or "playing" stupid. I actually had one tell me I should have bought off the roof because the TDS said it was 5 years old!!! Ya think the Realtor is going to be standing beside me in court when I get sued? NOT!!!!!!
turns out the furnace was bad
suppose to close friday(tomorrow)
Im suppose to drop what im doing tomorrow and run out and reinspect?
Isnt friday the last day of the month, isnt my desk over flowing w/stuff to type?
Why do they wait till day of closing to install furnace??
Bemis --

Why aren't you having the furnace guy certifying the furance installation with a cert and an invoice directly to the UW. Works great for me. You need a cooperative UW, but that shouldn't be that big a deal.

Who's going to fix the furnace if it doesn't work -- you or the furnace guy?
All the Realtor has to do is provide the lender (DE Underwriter) with satisfactory certification from the tradeperson who completed the repairs. Although what one UW considers satisfactory may not be adequate for another. Anyway, the appraiser is no longer the holdup. Unfortunately most of the LO's, processors and even some underwriters do not understand the program...too busy taking and closing apps...If the Realtor REALLY had the sellers/buyers best interests in mind they would already have a decent knowledge of FHA lending and they would realize that they have other means at their disposal to remedy the situation and that badgering the appraiser is counterproductive.
Not only Pressure! They want us to lie for them. This is not a good day for me to tell you how I really feel about over 75% of them! :evil:
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