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Realtor sued

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Jan 13, 2002
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Retired Appraiser

From the article - I added the bold:

From the findings of the court, Anchorage Realtor Bonnie Mehner:

*poached the buyer from her agent

*tricked him into believing that he could not secure the home without her help

*told the buyer that his initial offer was too low, and then failed to tell the seller of the buyer's offer. The buyer's first offer was closer to comparables than what the buyer ultimately paid for the home

*told the buyer there were multiple offers on the home when there were not to encourage him to pay more for the home

*failed to show him existing comparables that would have illustrated that he was overpaying for the home

*admitted in court that she did not follow state law with regard to dual representation.
Dunno if this will be the only one; think will see some of this rise to the top as the market changes.

Some agents are just foolish 8O

One question enters my mind though, if this guy was buying in the $500,00 range, do you really think he could be douped by an agent :?: OR could this have been a "set up" 8O

Having money to spend doesn't necessarily mean that person is smart. I've seen some of the worst real estate choices made by doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. Smart in their own field, dumb in real estate. Besides, when using a Realtor, it's normally "assumed" that you are working with a 'professional' in their field. Their commission is supposed to be for knowing what they are doing. Obviously, this one knew exactly what she was doing.

It makes me very sad that this is happening on such a large scale right now. Consumer confidence in Realtors is going down and it's due to the lack of real ethics - the ones that are not printed.

NAR should put this article in it's magazine. I'm afraid this is only the beginning as this is just one of many deals just like it.
>>Realtor Bonnie Mehner poached the buyer from her agent <<

A broker would do THAT? What's the world coming to? Seriously, this occurs so often if every broker that did it was fined, the state board could buy a sports stadium. Most agents just lick their wound and swallow their pride.
Pam said, "some of the worst real estate choices made by doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. Smart in their own field, dumb in real estate."


No Realtor would operate on themselves, design a bridge, or plead a case; but all three of the above often think they are smarter than the average bear and pay thru the nose.

In my area, I frequently see completely outrageous sales that can be traced to professionals as buyers, typically buyers who just moved in to work for or with Wal-Mart, or retirees from California. The later must have a tattoo on their forehead that says, "cheat me."
...retirees from California. The later must have a tattoo on their forehead that says, "cheat me."

Nope, just a reasonable expectation that the so-called professionals with whom they are dealing are representing them in the manner thier profession purports is ethical... rememebr that most californio retirees were brought up on Ozzie and Harriet etc...

You know they think the Broker/Sales agent, appraiser and lender :roll: :roll: are actually DOing what their advertizing materiel states: Honest ethical work....

SHOOT the bad appraisers, Off the bad brokers, and move on!
(or re-educate the public that they really don't need any of them--- hmmm now there's an idea :idea:
I love statements like this:

"... And the Washington, D.C.-based Consumer Federation of America says because many consumers aren't even aware they have a right to know by whom and how they are represented, they are underrepresented to the tune of $10 billion a year in higher home costs."

In their past life, this must be the same people who told us there were 3.5 million homeless in America.

It is so easy to throw numbers around and make claims like this. I would like to see their math and assumptions. Until then, I will consider this type of claim pure Bovine Scatology.
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