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Relocation slowdown?

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Sophomore Member
Feb 4, 2002
I quit getting calls about relocation appraisals in the past 6-9 months. I used to get about 2-3 assignments a month with about double that asking about turnaround time, area covered, etc. Now I have not heard anything for a while. Are most of the ERC appraisers on the web or doing something new? I've always got plenty of work (until this year) by just being in the ERC directory. Is the relocation industry that slow?
I hear they are now using BPOs for the value.

I attribute some of the slowdown to corporate uncertainty and lack of relocation funds. A neighbor who works at a major local power company (co. that I do relo work for) has cut out most of their hiring because there is no money in the budget for it. I have only gotten one or two this year from them, normally, it would have been more.
They are using BPO's. The only assignments I have received seem to be the ones that sit on the market.
Just got one this morning, but I agree that it has slowed down a bit.
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