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REO addendum?

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Jeff Horton

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I just got a request for an REO and they want a REO Addendum filled out. They sent a copy of it but I got to say no where do I find that form or anything similar in my older Day One software. Looks like this one was printed out of ACI. Anyone know this form by another name maybe?? I sure hate to have to fill it out by hand.
On Wintotal the form is REO. I am sure you would have it on your software. I will be glad to fax you a copy if you need one.

Bob Ipock
Jeff, don't know about Day One. SFREP has the (unnumbered) for entitled Supplemental Real Estate Owned Appraisal Addendum).

Thanks for the info on UPB and Realty Services.
ACI calls it the Real Estate Owned Addendum. I don't know what Day One would call it but call Tech Support. This addendum has been around since forever. Good Luck.
ACI does have this form, and they were apparently the creator of it for one of their clients years ago. No doubt it has become more popular, is actually quite logical in its one-page format, and is being requested by many of our clientele for use with REO assignments. One might expect it to be within the standard package of "Residential" forms available to ACI users, but they have selectively removed it from that forms suite and one must pay an additional $99 just to have access to that one-page form, along with a few other form types you may never need or use. Perhaps you should secure for yourself a clean, crisp master (copy) and reproduce it as needed, and fill it out long-hand when called for. Fill out a rough-draft version and work it up, then fill out the final version when ready to submit with report. One might think ACI could include it within their standard residential forms suite, but no.
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