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Review Master

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Junior Member
Jan 21, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
:?: Do you use the review master to help check for possible errors / flags, and if so there are many to choose from;

Is there one that you would suggest for the 1004 or other forms.

Thanks :D
Steve -

Unless you are doing the report for one of the companies listed as a choice in the review section (landsafe, LSI etc.), go ahead and use the 1004.rul, 2055-2.rul or whatever review you choose. Keep in mind, you may see 25 warnings and a few errors, although not all warnings are important. The nice thing about the review is, you click on the error in the review and it will take you to the spot in the report where the possible error is.

Good luck.

Thanks Joe - I also currently use the 1004.rul & 2055-2 rul, however many others are available to choose from in ACI.

Anyone like any particular Review Program in ACI other than those mentioned :?:
I like most of the items except - it is truly a pain to figure out what the numbering items refer to. Because, over the past 15 years I worked with programs that offered various Form Names, I found those programs easier to use. It has taken up a lot of time to figure out exactly what each form offers, and you have to pull them up to see what they are. It would have been nice of them to incorporate a co-insiding page within their system as a quick reference to ease the learning curve. If you know of some way to do this, I for one would greatly appreciate it. Most of my work is done on the 1004 form, so it's not dramatic, but it is a pain when I have to slide into other forms.

Just A Thought - 8)
Since this thread has moved into discussion of "Forms"...... yes, I too wish ACI would clean out the clutter within the forms options selection process of the "Add/Remove Forms" function. So much for having that long line-up being alphabetized, but I really wish they could create form categories, i.e., 1) Standard industry forms, 2) Supplements to standard forms, 3) Review appraising forms, 4) Cost Approach-related forms, 5) Income Approach-related forms, etc. etc. etc. There is also insufficient description of certain forms, at that line location when selecting them, which you immediately recognize after selecting, saving to report, and then viewing in the report --- and you say, "I do not want this one !" Perhaps there could be some other numeric code accompanying the text decription line which could appear in (parentheses) at the end to indicate total number of pages comprising that form(s) and the year it was created, and/or the sponsor of the form, as in FNMA, Freddie, Appr. Instit., or the Man on the Moon. If they insist on maintaining the presence of many of the wierd, never-heard-of-before forms, then they can always have a category called "Forms nobody ever uses anymore", just for the sentimental appraisers.
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