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Elite Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 4, 2007
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
We have one less appraiser carrying around a Tennessee license. On Monday the credentials of Barry Waldrop were revoked based upon a complaint filed by Fannie Mae. He was also ordered to pay hearing costs and a $10,000 civil penalty.
Good to see the State doing something about it. I just recieved a letter after i complained about a supervisor who claimed he
did inspect, when it turns out he didnt.
They ended up giving hm a letter of instruction and caution.
Gee, im really glad i took the time.

I would think the board is getting an overload of complaints right now.
Good For Tennessee!

Thanks for the info Danny. Always good to see the trash get thrown out.

Good to see the State doing something about it. I just recieved a letter after i complained about a supervisor who claimed he did inspect, when it turns out he didnt. They ended up giving hm a letter of instruction and caution. Gee, im really glad i took the time.
I know the board's measures are inappropriate considering the magnitude of the offense, but at least he's got something on record now. What are the odds that someone who would lie on an official document will quit? I'd say slim to none. Now there's a foundation to build up a case for eventual revocation of the slug. At least this is not North Carolina where the appraisal board doesn't care about regular repeat offenders. Just ask Roberta Ouellette about it.
JH is exactly on the money, the board has to build a case. They can't take away a man's livelihood based on one complaint.
What did he do?

Since it is a matter of public record now, I suppose there is no harm discussing what he did to warrant the action that the board took. If memory serves there were 25 official charges, and he was found guilty on 24 of them. Highlights of the case include:
  • 1,000 sq ft home was reported to be 1,500 sq ft
  • Unfinished basement was reported to be finished basement
  • Ignored similar sales in subdivision in favor of sales several miles away
He had already been revoked by two other states.
They can't take away a man's livelihood based on one complaint.
When that complaint involves perjury and fraud, which is what you do when you sign the certifications and check that little "did inspect" box. Unless you 'mistakenly' checked the wrong box, you know exactly what you're doing when you sign 'did inspect' when you didn't, and why.
JH is exactly on the money, the board has to build a case. They can't take away a man's livelihood based on one complaint.

I think there is middle ground between taking away ones livelyhood and slapping one on the wrist?
Being slapped on the wrist for saying that you were at the inspection, and supervised the insepction when in fact you were not seems a little soft?

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