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Same old stuff but fun for me

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Jan 16, 2002
Professional Status
General Public
North Carolina
Regular readers on the forum know I do not get much lending type work, but I did get a fun call yesterday.

Troy from XYZ mortgage company calls and wanted to know if I could help him out. He said his company thought the owners value estimate was too high and that they needed some help to see whether the market would support the value. He had heard (God alone could know from whence he heard) that I would pull some comps to "help them out".

I of course replied, sure, I can do that. He said great, the property is located at such and such and is a whatever. I then said great, just fax an appraisal order and I will get right on it. He said "oh, we do not want to pay for this" My response "But I am an appraiser, I make my living by providing value opinions and data. What you have asked for is an appraisal. I charge for doing appraisals. " He said we usually do not pay for these comp searches. My response, " You must have a pretty profitable business if you can get other people to work for you for free." Dead silence for about 5 seconds . I then asked, are you going to send the fax, he of course said no, he couldn't do business with me. My response was, "I guess not, no business for me, thats for sure." He hung up.

What fun, made my day!


Tom Hildebrandt GAA
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