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Scanned Photo

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Junior Member
Jan 15, 2002
I've scanned an 8x10 photo to a bit map file (and also to a jpeg file) and am having probems printing either on a single 8.5x11 page.

i'm sure it's simple but, how do i print to 8.5x11?

A lot of that depends on you printer. Most (if nto all) printers will not print to the edge of the paper. Some "PRO" models will. My suggestion would be when you hit print it should (mine does anyway) open a window where you can set number of copies and the options. Try the different buttons and such and look for your print options. There may be a way in there to tell it to print full page. Of course this will vary depending on the printer.
thanks, jeff - i figured it out. i was trying to open the file and print from that. ended up copying to Word and reformatting to 8.5x11 and printing. i had done that before but had just forgotten about it.
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