Bobby Bucks
Elite Member
- Joined
- Jan 27, 2002
- Professional Status
- Real Estate Agent or Broker
- State
- North Dakota
I’ve enjoyed reading some of the posts about the odd requests for the utilization of the 2055 and
2075 forms. Last week I had fun one. It was from an AMC naturally. The subject was a small
strip center which included 4 small retail units, 4 office units and a restaurant wedged in the
middle. The order stated “Must be completed on 2055 form, include comp photos and fedex the
hard copy if you don’t have EDI capability....oh yeah, it also said THIS IS A RUSH!!!!!!
They were considerate and didn’t include an estimated value. Before I could call to decline the
order I got a call from the commercial agent who had the most of us know how
obnoxious resi agents can be, but you haven’t been in a slime pool until you’ve dealt with a
commercial huckster. This guy had already faxed me 2 comps and was calling to know when I
was going to look at the property.....the efficient AMC had gone to the trouble to tell both agents
listed on the purchase contract to call B. Bucks, Esq. and hassle him and get a faster appraisal.
While I was telling the listing agent why I couldn’t do the assignment, the selling agent was
leaving me a message on my voice mail......he was wondering why I hadn’t seen the property yet
and wanted me to call him as soon as I “worked up a number”. I think these 2 rascals had already
spent their commissions......anyway, I finally got all parties to realize that Bucks is an R-Man and
they needed a G-Man and he probably wouldn’t use the 2055 form.
The fee might also be an
issue. Their fee was for 20 1/2 coyote pelts. They should know that AMC or no AMC, the ranch
holds out at 30 coyote pelts or the equivalent. After the air had cleared I actually got a letter from
the AMC which is probably the closest thing to an apology an appraiser will ever get.....the letter
had the word “clarification” in it 4 was written by some guy who had a lot of initials
after his name....probably middle management further add fuel to the fire I got a call
from a college buddy at the local bank who uses that AMC......all he said was “Bucks are you the
one involved in that strip center deal or need I even ask?” Well, now that it’s all behind me it’s
time for a well deserved vacation from work and the ranch. I’m partial to fishing and was
considering another trip to the gulf, but the last time I was there it was too much of an adventure
even for me. Has anybody else ever noticed how far offshore those Cajuns can take a 16 Jon
Boat? Talk about courage. What I’ve never been able to figure out is why they carry shotguns and
rifles when they’re 20 miles offshore? I understand Cajun flotillas have been spotted as far south
as Padre weather permitting. Now before you accuse me of being derogatory to Cajuns, you must
keep in mind that yours truly is of French derivation. That gives me the right to call a Cajun a frog
or vice versa. Since I don’t want to deal with them again on vacation that means it’s Andros
Island for some warm water, good fishing and lots of ice cold Kalik.
The Bucks Ranch Rocks and we’re Bahama bound!
2075 forms. Last week I had fun one. It was from an AMC naturally. The subject was a small
strip center which included 4 small retail units, 4 office units and a restaurant wedged in the
middle. The order stated “Must be completed on 2055 form, include comp photos and fedex the
hard copy if you don’t have EDI capability....oh yeah, it also said THIS IS A RUSH!!!!!!
They were considerate and didn’t include an estimated value. Before I could call to decline the
order I got a call from the commercial agent who had the most of us know how
obnoxious resi agents can be, but you haven’t been in a slime pool until you’ve dealt with a
commercial huckster. This guy had already faxed me 2 comps and was calling to know when I
was going to look at the property.....the efficient AMC had gone to the trouble to tell both agents
listed on the purchase contract to call B. Bucks, Esq. and hassle him and get a faster appraisal.
While I was telling the listing agent why I couldn’t do the assignment, the selling agent was
leaving me a message on my voice mail......he was wondering why I hadn’t seen the property yet
and wanted me to call him as soon as I “worked up a number”. I think these 2 rascals had already
spent their commissions......anyway, I finally got all parties to realize that Bucks is an R-Man and
they needed a G-Man and he probably wouldn’t use the 2055 form.

issue. Their fee was for 20 1/2 coyote pelts. They should know that AMC or no AMC, the ranch
holds out at 30 coyote pelts or the equivalent. After the air had cleared I actually got a letter from
the AMC which is probably the closest thing to an apology an appraiser will ever get.....the letter
had the word “clarification” in it 4 was written by some guy who had a lot of initials
after his name....probably middle management further add fuel to the fire I got a call
from a college buddy at the local bank who uses that AMC......all he said was “Bucks are you the
one involved in that strip center deal or need I even ask?” Well, now that it’s all behind me it’s
time for a well deserved vacation from work and the ranch. I’m partial to fishing and was
considering another trip to the gulf, but the last time I was there it was too much of an adventure
even for me. Has anybody else ever noticed how far offshore those Cajuns can take a 16 Jon
Boat? Talk about courage. What I’ve never been able to figure out is why they carry shotguns and
rifles when they’re 20 miles offshore? I understand Cajun flotillas have been spotted as far south
as Padre weather permitting. Now before you accuse me of being derogatory to Cajuns, you must
keep in mind that yours truly is of French derivation. That gives me the right to call a Cajun a frog
or vice versa. Since I don’t want to deal with them again on vacation that means it’s Andros
Island for some warm water, good fishing and lots of ice cold Kalik.
The Bucks Ranch Rocks and we’re Bahama bound!