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Should this be a repair REQUIREMENT? Case study!

Drywall on garage ceiling (living area above) required for FHA?

  • I would not require drywall installation.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would require drywall, but explain at length.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would require installation of drywall, one line, no further explanation

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
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Farm Gal

Elite Member
Jan 14, 2002
Professional Status
Licensed Appraiser
Please read the scenario FULLY before voting:
There appear to be no 'right' or 'wrong' answers on this one: It appears to be a matter of opinion:

A 7 year old bilevel home lacks drywall on the garage ceiling and walls. There is living space above garage, specifically bedrooms. The home was built legally: there was and is no local code requirement for drywall installation in garages.

Ongoing new construction in the immediate area does not have drywall installed.

You called HUD tech support, and are told HUD is not in the business of code enforcement.

Both CABO and UBC require a firewall if there is living space above the garage, for occupant safety reasons.

You can elect to require drywall installation under VC 11-g Other Health and Safety Deficiencies- Please identify all other health and safety deficiencies, and note others not included in this or any other VC on the comment page

You are aware that the DEU will most likely require installation of drywall, if you have made this reccomendation.

Requireing drywall in an area where new home competition does not have that amenity poses an unreasonable hardship and/or makes it a a 'deal-killer'.

You, as the FHA inspector must elect one of these options:
Hmmm, sounds like a familiar scenario. I voted, but my vote is somewhat biased :twisted:

No FHA sellers allowed in this poll.......................take that vote out. We FHA appraisers have enough enemies with LO's and DEU's. LOL.

I voted for the one line requirment to establish a 1 hour fire separation by installation of 5/8" drywall with taping. I care not that this issue is a glaring omission in 4150.2. It is a safety consideration and if it's a deal killer, I would rather see the deal die than the purchasers perish.
You just can't go walk-about again! :cry:
We NEED you one (two?three) liner's!
I'll to put out the tin cup for shrink bills for your confuser... :lol: :lol:
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