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The Bob

Senior Member
Jan 20, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I'm about to pull my hair out. My e-mail is full of spam. How do you get rid of this stuff. I tried to "unsubscribe" but I get "undeliverable". I bet I get 10 a week just from mortgage co's wanting me to refi. Thanks.
Change your email address....

That's the only real effective way. They all have those "click here to unsubscribe" things at the bottom but they do no good.. whenever you do that, it just verifies that your email address is a real address.. they take you off that list but your address goes onto a ton of other lists whenever you do it.
What we need, and what I've been searching for is a program that'll allow us to send 10-20,000 e-mails back to whomever they're prostiituting for, or pimping for .. denial of service attack against them ..
If you use a email programe with filters you can have it delete them as they come in. Thats what I do.
As one who gets hundreds of emails a day and has been online since 1991 I will offer my experience, first what don't work and then (#2) what to does work:

1. What Not to do, and what does NOT work:

Don't change your email address, you'll only have to change it again later as the spammers discover you, so you will be forever changing your email. Also you will have people that need to contact you that won't get your new email and you will invariably loose some business.

The "filters" in Outlook Express and other standard email clients are more trouble than they are worth because you will have to add new filters daily because the spammers change their fake "from address" every time they send out spam. So just because you blocked them today, their next spam will find it's way right into your inbox.

Replying to their email is pointless since their "From" address is fake.

Clicking the "remove" link in 95% of the cases only gets your address on additional lists!

Sending out thousands of bogus emails to their "From" address only hurts YOU and your ISP that is sending them because they will only bounce back to YOU since their "From" address is fake!

2. What to do, and what DOES Work!

Get a spam filtering program that runs on your computer that will delete the emails directly from your server and you will never have to deal with them! I have been using one for quite a while and I rarely see a spam. My recommendation:

Once a day browse briefly through the spam that spam killer has "killed" just to make sure no legit email is there. (occasionally it will be, that's why you browse through it, at least in your first 30 days of running it). Then add that legitimate email address to the "friend" list. Also, if some spam gets through (which it will occassionally) you can add a filter to block that person, (or even a whole country). For example a lot of spam now comes via Russia and China, so I have those countries blocked.

Update your spam filters at least once a month by clicking the update button.

Hope this helps,
You will get always spam, look in your inbox on the subject for 1 second, nothing for you or from some one you know, just delete it from there without open it.
You will get always spam, look in your inbox on the subject for 1 second, nothing for you or from some one you know, just delete it from there without open it.

Yes, you will always get spam if you just delete it like you suggest. The problem with "just deleting" spam:

1. Just highlighting the subject for 1 second like you will suggest could send back a notice to the sender that your email address is active, thus getting you on more email lists. Unless you run a very good firewall this is happening without your knowledge (and I am not sure that ZoneAlarm is good enough to stop this, but I know that the McAFee Firewall does)

2. Spam costs you and everyone on the internet money because the cost of spam is borne by the recipient (you and me) and not the sender. As Spam becomes more and more prevalent (and I have seen estimates that it now makes up more than one third of all email then the costs of Internet service will go up. ISP's have to pay for all the bandwidth to send email. Where does that cost get passed on to? The customer, you. While every other area in the computer industry has been getting cheaper (hardware, web hosting, etc), internet service has been getting higher. Remember when AOL, and Earthlink were $19.95 for unlimited use? Now they are more and are considering going up even higher. Why do you think broadband costs $40 to $60 per month? Part of this cost is bandwidth that the ISP's have to pay to the carriers such as AT&T, UUnet, and others that send this data all over the world.

So just deleting it does not solve the problem, it only encourages more and more spam.

We need to get rid of the spam problem, as it is the largest problem on the Internet right now and is only getting worse. The cost of spam needs to be borne by the sender, just like junk postal mail is. Each spam email sent should have a price paid by the sender. Someday it will happen.

I urge everyone to read and support:
Which provider are you using for your email. If its one of the free services, i.e. hotmail, yahoo, once it starts it will never stop. My hotmail account recieves 200+ spam emails per day. I dont use it anymore!
My advice, do not have the same buisiness email as your personal email. Only use your business email when essential, i actually have four business email addresses. I designed our company website, the address listed on the site is just a general email name that i check twice a day. This is not actually anyones address in our office as an email listed on a website is bound to attract spam. If i am completing an application for say a management company on line, i would not give my primary email address, you never know what there gonna do with it. The only people who have my primary business email address are my clients. I dont get any spam.......
Well .. I've gotten nasty!

Go to the site they're advertising .. put in their site's e-mail address, and copy it .. go to Outlook Express and just hold down 'control>V' til you've addressed a few hundred e-mails to 'em .. attach a megabyte file (I use 'ground zero's' overhead photograph) and fill their mailbox with a few hundred megabytes of files! Gotta cost 'em in throughput to their ISP.
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