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Standard Comments with Trainee Assisted Reports

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Junior Member
Jan 21, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
What type of verbage is appropriate / lender friendly to indicate various levels of Trainee help / assistance in preparation on the report. Any suggestions?
I put something like:

(Name of trainee), Registered Trainee (#) assisted in the (inspection, data gathering, selection of comparable sales, development of the opinion of value or whatever may apply to the appraisal) portion of this appraisal.

This is the statement I used to use when I had an assistant. I tacked it on at the end of the reconciliation section of the report.

Disclosure comment regarding significant professional assistance:

As required by Standard Rule 2-3 of the Uniform Standard of Professional Appraisal Practice, the following information is provided. Rule 2-3 requires the disclosure of assistance provided to the person signing the report. During the preparation of this report Mr. S_____ S_____ provided significant assistance to the undersigned. He assisted in inspecting the subject property, in the gathering, analysing and entering of relevant data and in developing the indicated value. However, the undersigned assumes all responsibility for the report and its contents.
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