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Subject as Comp?

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Senior Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
How many of you have ever used the subject as a comp?!

I have a refi appraisal, subject sold approx. 8 months ago...of course subject is most similar :lol:

Underwriter probably wouldn't approve, but I am interested in hearing what you all have to say about using the subject as a comp.

(IU is getting blown out :( )
It is legit, and a recent thread discussed this situation however, few underwriters believe it. That is because underwriters don't read the rules we have to live by.

If nothing else, use it as support for your value indication (i am assuming the market has taken no drastic turn in the interim)
Lizn --

Of course you're going to use your subject as its own comp if you need it -- as COMP #4, of course.

I imagine that the refi request is looking for a little pouf in the price, so your first thought might be that this will hurt your appraisal. NONSENSE!

You have to disclose the fact that the subject was sold 8 months ago and the sale price in the Sales Comparison Analysis anyways. So, not only use the subject as a comp, but exploit it by your straightforwardness.

The UWs of this world hound those appraisers who appear timid and unsure of their "un"sound opinion(s).

Have at it.
I agree, it is fine to use a recent sale of the subject as a comp. Just not one of the main comps, but as supporting data...yes. Provided, of course, that it was a market sale, with no major recent changes in the market. Hey, when doing a commerical or income producing property, we consider the subject rent too (if it is market rent).
but never did it myself, but it IS the "ideal" comp isn't it? Of course noting any physical changes and if you can support time adjustments it should be brought current. I too, would have to say that it should be used as an "additional" sale (#4, #5, etc.) Why not?
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