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Thermal Standards Form?

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Oregon Doug

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
General Public
Just received a request to appraise a home for a Rural Development Loan and the client requires a Thermal Standards Form along with the VC sheets. I've not seen this before, anyone know anything about it.

They faxed me a copy of the form - from the USDA (no form #). It is part of the inspection requirement of the USDA Rural Development Guaranteed Loan Program and supplemental to the HUD-92564-VC.

Oregon Doug
Oregon Doug: in Alabama, Rural Development folks require an inspection by a registered home inspector. They complete both the Thermal Certification and the Certification of Existing Dwelling.

Rural Development requires certain levels of insulation, depending on your location. If you're completing the form, you just have to (1) know what the minimum thermal requirements are and (2) state what level the dwelling has-it must be brought up to requirements. In Alabama, it's R-30 for the ceiling, and R-19 for both the walls and flooring. We don't worry with the walls if its an existing dwelling.

Hope this helps.
If you have no idea what the insulation R values in a certain dwelling are, you can't supply them or sign off on this item. This has been handled in the past by the seller or seller's agent providing the prior 12 months of utility bills. Rural housing wants to basically know that the home is somewhat energy efficient and won't break the bank of a cash tight borrower.

The appraiser can't be all knowing in many of these cases. I have found this is a great alternative to signing your life away to things that you can't reasonably verify.
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