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This Is A Question About Dog/dogs At An Appraisal Appointment.

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Pleas tell you client not that they care, but we put ourselves in danger all the time, electric fencing and pets. I was attacked by a two dogs, rabies shot and medical expenses were over 3K for series of shots and missed 8 days of work, not the property owns dogs but neighbor dogs not fenced in. shared driveway

Sounds like a lawsuit to me. Not that they solve anything overnight.
Sounds like a rural area, if I worked there and faced those issues, I would be armed in some way.
Around here, I just watch what time I go to certain areas.
Off the subject a little, market is changing over the past few year I liked doing sales because mostly vacant.
In my area there is a crazy push on value over the peak of the market. in the past 30 days, I have has two bad instanced.
Bad instance 1) the property did not make value, then the homeowner and realtor said I entered the property without calling to make appointment which my cell phone log proves different. A big hassel
Next Bad instance 2) lender requirement. I told the homeowner when I was on site, the water heater needed to be double strapped and carbon alarm installed. I expanded and said if she could get the item fixed when I was back in the area talking comparable photos I would come by and get the photos and no updated appraisal would be need. Realtor called me that night and said make the appraisal subject to because homeowner wanted in writing, I put an addendum in report subject to and as requested in writing per the current homeowner instruction. Update- when I arrived she was in driveway, She was mad she had to pay for the update, started herd me like she was a blue healer dog, and kicking boxes my way, would not move out of front of the house so I could take a picture, making crazy faces and gesters and more. I called the realtor and told her she would have to get another appraiser to do the update. and I turned in photo of the crazy lady in front of her house and bill for update stated unknown if complete, homeowner was endangering me.
I am ready to turn in my MLS key which I pay 168 year, for the convenience of the realtors, owners, borrows and a time inspection for the lender, not me. and start require the presence of owner and owners agent on each inspection period. My point, the owner will be home to manage their dogs and the realtor will be there to manage there client
Been bit twice in 9 yrs. Both times the dog was "harmless...has never attacked anyone" type (per homeowner). Guess there's a first for everything! ... Twice!
I've never been bitten, but I've had a few close calls. I love dogs in general but I would NEVER do a house with a dog inside or in the yard without the owner/broker there. It's their JOB to guard the house against strangers like me. I also won't go in on a lockbox if the place is occupied with nobody home. That's the day that the 30 carat diamond ring will go missing. Just too much liability for me. I also won't go in if there's just a kid at home, but that goes without saying.

We went to a property appointment today. When I set up the appointment I was told that there were dogs at the property but all they would/might do is bark and I knew that the property was still occupied but the home owner would not be there when I went to the property. To make a long story short, the dogs acted like they might bite!-definitely might bite!! We left not long after we got into the property and were happy to get outside without being hurt. I called the scheduling contact (who said the home owner insisted that it would be o. k. and etc.) and I asked the contact person if somebody could come meet us at the property like an owner or the listing realtor or anybody and they could not so I scheduled for the another day when a home owner could be there to keep the dogs away during the property appointment. How would you or should I have handled this situation? For example, would you have not made an appointment at all till somebody could be there or have the dogs put up? Would you ask for a trip fee at this point or not even tell your client about the situation or? Thanks for advise!

I have learned that many owner's do realize their dogs may be dangerous, nor do they realize how they may react to strangers. More than once I have had owner's say "Well,he/she has never acted like that before"

When I make appointments I always request that the dog (if they are any significant size) be kept under control. Either restrained or put in a garage or bathroom. That works for me.
I have learned that many owner's do realize their dogs may be dangerous, nor do they realize how they may react to strangers. More than once I have had owner's say "Well,he/she has never acted like that before"

When I make appointments I always request that the dog (if they are any significant size) be kept under control. Either restrained or put in a garage or bathroom. That works for me.

And I would never go to a house where only the dogs were there unless it was a mouse dog of some kind.
Never take your pet to an appraisal inspection. Friend, who was at the time a bank reviewer related this story. Appraiser pulls up in his truck with dog to a small 10 acre ranch property in San Luis Obispo. The owner and several of his dogs come out to greet the appraiser. Owner says to appraiser "Why not let your dog play with my dogs while you do the inspection." Appraiser is reluctant because he does not know how the dogs will get along. Nonetheless, appraiser agrees to let his dog out of the truck. During the inspection, you guessed it, the dogs got into a fight. Appraiser leaves before completing the inspection, to take his dog to the vet. Lender only found out about the situation when the borrower later complained about the value conclusion on the appraisal, saying the appraiser was unprofessional bringing his dog to an appraisal inspection.
I don't have a problem with dogs that are not aggressive. I've been nipped once (by a yappy Yorkie), and kept in the car once by a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd (the lady wouldn't put those dogs up - I drove off). I was attacked by a cat once - it left its post on the back of the sofa and launched itself onto my thigh. But I wouldn't go on a property with no adult human home and unrestrained dogs around.
Wow....a cat attacked you. I've not thought about that possibility. I'm a cat person but if I think a cat doesn't like me or might bite me at an appraisal appointment I stay away from it. I hope the cat that attacked you was up on it's shots!
Ask them if you can bring your dog to the appointment. Tell them he doesn't bite folks for the most part, but he will fight other dogs that act aggressively towards his owner.:whistle:[/QUOTE
Only one small dog has nipped my back leg, who the owner said had never bitten anyone. Must have been the clipboard that took him over the edge.
I don't think dogs like measuring tapes!
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