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Trainee info on an appraisal

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Liz South

Junior Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Licensed Appraiser
I am reviewing an appraisal done by a trainee (evidently not even licensed as a trainee). I was under the impression that USPAP said that only the name of the licensed appraiser was to appear on page 1 of the report and the trainee's name should appear in an addendum referencing that significant assistance provided by . . . . . etc.
Is it a USPAP violation? Please help clear the cobwebs from my brain today. :?
Liz S.

I believe anyone can do an appraisal.

Only licensed and certified folks can get in trouble for doing an appraisal incorrectly and are subject to USPAP.

It is up to the client to determine if their use of the appraisal provided by a non-licensed person meets their needs.

If a licensed or certified signs any portion of a report they are individually responsible for the entire contents of that report.

Your state may have supplimental requirements that further specify where and how a report can or should be signed. However reading AO 18 (I beleive) it is up to the licensed/certified appraiser to determine if the signing on the line meets the clients needs. (Sorry if this is circular)... check the index on 2002 under signature for specific pages.

Hope this helps.
Lee Ann
In my state, a trainee who signs a report usually does so on the left side of page two of the URAR. The supervisor or co-appraiser signs on the right. If you use the Multipurpose addendum, trainee signs above, supervisor signs below and states level of involvement.

In ar. now all persons holding themselves out as appraisers must register, licensed or not....includes trainees who previously did not register at all.

Otherwise, if the client requires the signature on the left to be yours, the trainee must be referenced. If they do not sign the certification, they do not get credit for the report.

Terrel Shields, Arky
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