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Transmitting Unsecured "Because they want it that way"

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Steven Bonner

Sophomore Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
North Carolina
I know this is suppose to be in the VA topic but I began to wonder what if our national clients began to request this method of delivery?

VA Manual M26-2 requires VA staff to initial and date appraisal reports. It provides for annotating the report to explain minor adjustments, etc.

The USPAP jurisdictional exception permits VA and other Federal agencies to follow their own requirements when there is a conflict between USPAP and Federal agency requirements.

We ask that the reports sent to VA in pdf format via e-mail be unsecured to allow us to comply with VA M26-2 requirements. Thanks for your co-operation on this issue.

Can this be for real? :roll:
Use Adobe Distiler and you can set security on the report so that they can add annotations but no alter the report itself.

I have no idea if USPAP allows this. I sure dont remember ever reading or hearing this taught. :roll:
Statement 10, 2001 USPAP, page 103, lines 4699
"None of the requirements in the agencies' appraisal regulations and guidelines cause a need to apply the Jurisdictional Exception rule.

Then under Supplemental Standard is more detail.

So the initialing and dating by VA staff is not a Jurisdictional Exception Rule. Neither is HUD not requiring a cost approach for older homes.
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