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USPAP question

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DeeDee Armstrong

Sophomore Member
Jun 24, 2002
Professional Status
General Public
I have heard from a couple of sources about some USPAP changes coming down the pike. Has anyone heard these? Are these confirmed changes?
1. A change to make a requirement for a 4 year degree to be an certified appraiser.
2. A change so that certified appraisers can only sign off on 2 licensed appraisers.

Any news?
The degree requirements are currently under consideration but not finalized.

As far as the other it depends on where you are. In North Carolina it has become or will become effective this month that a supervisor can only oversee two trainees at any given time and the supervisor must accompany the trainee to the first fifty inspections. As of note is that if the supervisor is located fifty or more miles from the trainee that supervisor should (must?) accompany the trainee to all inspections.

About six months ago some North Carolina appraiser reported that in his county there were 80 people doing appraisals. About 5 General Certified, 12 Certified Residential, and 63 trainees. Wonder why NC changed the rule? The NCAB already has a degree requirement. If you have a degree you are not eligible to serve on the NCAB. Anybody with a degree might gum up the system. Besides, not many of the good-olde Democrat boys went to college. The college boys are all damn Republicans. Gotta keep it in the family down there you know. Gotta appoint board members from amongst the party faithful.
Dee Dee
USPAP is the purview of the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB).
Qualifications (like degrees) are the purview of the Appraisal Qualifications Board (AQB).
Changes in qualifications are not changes to USPAP.

The current AQB draft of proposed changes for qualifications:
Dr. Austin & Bryan,

Yeah, off the subject, but I was just kinda curious:

Stihl, Homelite, Arrow-Master or John Deere?



PS. Steven, do you recommend Dr. Austin's or Bryan's services for the new draph?
David: Imitation is the most sublime form of flattery. Thank you for axing. I own a Pouland and a Stihl. Use the Stihl on the big jobs. DOR!
Dr. Austin,

I read your recent Mail Order Degree Post with much interest -- Great minds (or at least, highly credentialed ones) do think alike.

I heard of that group last week -- kinda steep at $5 a go -- but the quantity discount deal is fair (market value) (IMHO).

You'll need a chain saw to enforce those rules !
Yea, let me see..."hey Mr. Appraiser, it has come to our attention that your have one more trainee than allowed"....give me a break, we can't enforce the rules we already have.

enfarcement doesn't count they just need more "stuff"

chainsaws :?: whatsa matter the old dblhead wood handle ax too much fer you guys 8O

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