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Vacant Land in Lancaster, CA

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Sophomore Member
Jan 24, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
Hi all, my office has been contracted to appraise a series of land appraisals in the Antelope Valley area in north Los Angeles County (Lancaster). The parcels range from 5 acres to 30 something acres. Most of the properties are very remote. If anybody has MLS for the area or land sales info please e-mail or call my office.


Scott Pettifer
Hope you're charging them a good fee. Good luck finding vacant land sales, and I mean in research and in the field. I don't have any access to the MLS there, last thing I heard it was on the internet though. Lack of MLS for the area is my excuse, I mean reason! :wink: for not working that area.

If you are west of the Lancaster city limits, and it sounds like you are, you're in the outback for sure. Bring your fishing pole and drop a line into the aqueduct. Take a look at the great wide open!

But seriously, you may want to try and find an appraiser in the local area to help. Happy driving from O.C.:P

Lee in L.A.
Try Rick Denham 805-484-9449, appraiser out of Camarillo


Elliot Schultz 661-947-7420, out of Plamdale.

Not sure if they will share but theres no harm in asking.
I have not worked in this area for at least a couple of years or so. On my last occasion I decided it was no longer worth it as the MLS at that time was by specific local board membership only (no reciprocal access) and it was quite expensive relative to the cost of other MLS boards in So. Calif. The MLS web site which is available to the public is only active listings and it was only brief info to get a buyer to call the listing Realtor. On my previous trips up into this area I would always visit a local Realtor and ask if I could use their data and I have always had luck with this. The problem of course is that you can't really adequately prepare before making the trip into the area and of course I always try to limit my time when borrowing data from someone. I really don't see how you can complete the job without MLS data and getting another appraiser to do your research can be a time consuming favor

Good Luck,

GV in Southern California
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