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Version 10?

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Dave, didn't you know that there's no such thing as finalized when it comes to software? That would ruin the profit incentive. LOL. I think your question is when will something other than a Beta version be available for sale? I don't know the answer, but have given serious thought to switching to Athena, mainly because Bradford & Robbins doesn't seem to be as good at support as they used to (I also think most of their add-ons, such as WinSketch and GeoLocator are not too good). Any other thoughts on this?

I have similar thoughts. When I have a need for 32 bit software, I may go shopping.

I tried Winsketch and wasn't impressed. Then tried Apex and really liked it. Spent the money to buy it rather than using the freebie. Apparently, Apex will not work in the first releases of Version 10 though so I still will not use Version 10 after it is released.

I have noticed a difference in support too. Used to be able to call them and a person would be available on line. Now, it seems that we have to frequently wait for a call back or use email. Lucky that the software is so trouble free that we seldom have to call with a technical problem.
Concerning service. I e-mailed their sales with a question that included the possibility of updating to the next version and they never responded. Not just a long time, this is no response after more than a month. That'swhen I started considering the possibility of changing.
I talked to bradford the other day and they told me v. 10 will be available for download jan 24th.
And you believed them, David? This's been going on for years .. and more regularly for 3-4 months .. 'middle of the week' for the last six weeks ..


Here it is the 26th, latest newsletter's out .. no mention of V10, but have received second bill looking for annual support check. Think I'll send 'em a check with "soon" in the amount field ..
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