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Wanted - San Diego Area - Trainees

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stephen buckley

Freshman Member
Aug 19, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Fee Appraiser would like to train new trainees in San Diego area.

Proven methodolgy to ensure future success as fee appraiser.


This original post was Aug 20 2002

That was almost 2 years ago!!!!!

I think all you trainee wannabes should not embarrass yourselves anymore and stop replying to this thread looking for a job!


I am interested in your program. I am taking my certification classes and will be done in January. I can move to San Diego after that. I am originally from Palos Verdes and would like to return home from living in SLC, Utah.
Mr. Buckley,

Not to be a wise guy, but are you the fee appraiser that you're advertising for? If not, then how many trainees does your fee appraiser have working for them right now?

Just asking.....

George Hatch
My name is Catalina and I am currently taking my training courses this semester. I am desperate to work as a trainee and get started on my way to getting my first licence. I have a military backround so I am easily adaptable to my enviornment and I know how to follow orders. I learn quickly and do my job professionally. Please e-mail me; HippCat2@yahoo.com. Thank you

I am a licensed trainee in the state of CA. I currently live in the Sacramento area and I am toying with the idea of commuting via Southwest during the workweek down to LA or San Diego to train. My concern is that I will not make enough during the 2000 hour training to make the commute via airlines viable financially. Do you have any insight that could help me make a decision? Would this possibly be a training situation that you are interested in taking on?

Please e-mail me back at Pbanjulie1@aol.com

Thank you,

Julie Lipelt
"Would this possibly be a training situation that you are interested in taking on?"

The ad was from Aug '02

Oh how times have changed since then.

Stephen, My name is Catalina and I am interested in your post. I currently live in the San Diego area and I am interested in working as an appraisal trainee. I am currenly enrolled in classes but am eager to work under a mentor and get some OJT. Please contact me. HippCat2@yahoo.com
The ad was from Aug '02





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