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David S. Roberson

Senior Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 16, 2002
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Certified Residential Appraiser
DO NOT INSTALL ANY UPDATES FROM ALAMODE! Sorry to yell, but I got Updates 56, 57, & 58, and now it's more of a hassle to print to Adobe & e-mail reports. Seems the new Updates override something & won't allow Adobe to automatically open. You have to go to the C Drive & eventually open up the PDF folder in Wintotal to get to the report. The tech guy (very helpful & courteous, by the way) said they are working on another update as we speak, but you will probably all want to wait to get Updates until they include a resolution for the problems the Updates themselves cause.
Another reason I didn't buy Ala Mode software.
Just to be fair......my system updates on the day that the update comes out......I checked, and I'm running through update 58, and have no problems and have not noticed any differences......Acrobat's been working like normal......

If Adobe is not automatically opening, try this cause I had the same problem awhile ago when I updated Clickforms....

Go to Start. Go to Run. Type in "msconfig" in the run box. Click OK. Click on the "Startup" tab when it comes up. Wander through all the programs there until you find one called Adobe Assistant. Make sure the box is checked. That's all I did with Clickforms. Now Adobe opens automatically when Distiller is finished printing just like it did before I updated. You'll have to reboot for it to take effect., most likely

I guess the Adobe Assistant box gets unchecked with some updates.

Just a thought.

I checked the start-up tab you described & it was checked, so it must be the Update they sent. They did say they were working on a fix for it, so it must be a problem with the Update. Thanks for the help anyway.
Downloaded the updates the day they were available. No problems noticed yet and have used Adobe extensively. (Knock wood!)

Good luck.
I received the update and Adobe no longer opens when I print to *.PDF. The file still saves but Adobe just doesn’t open automatically.

I actually prefer it that way. Most times I just want the file to save to *.pdf. I usually don’t need to see it. It was more of a hassle for me to wait for Adobe to open, have it display the report, close the file, and exit Adobe. Seems that this just saved me a few steps.
I haven't had any problems sending EDI transmissions at all and I downloaded the updates. I typically don't open my PDF files - I print a hard copy, proof read, correct errors, reprint a correct one and then send the report EDI.
I have all the updates and mine works fine, too.
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