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Wayne, How about a continuing ed bulletin board?

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Doug in NC

Elite Member
Jan 17, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
North Carolina
I am looking to get another 7 hours of CE for this year, but I am having trouble finding the right course. The only ways to find what is currently being offered are to: 1) get an educator's mailing 2) call up everyone in the appraiser bulletin to find out when their courses are offered or 3) visit the few websites of appraisal education companies - a Yahoo search indicated only a few across the country with limited offerings.

I am sure educators would like to find an easier way to reach students other than from just mass mailings. A state-by-state listing would be great with calendar of courses and when they are offered. Appraisers definitely need a better alternative for finding CE courses. More advertising revenue for you.
Don't know where that "g" on bulletin board came from, I thought I removed that once before already.
Well, Shoot! Doug.

I think I posed this question previously also...

Makes sense to me and I think that provides ought to pay Wayne for the privilge...'course they might have another thought process about it...


And guess where I'd go first to see....
Lee Ann
Better to PM or email me if you have a request, I don't read all the posts (impossible) but since I saw this one I will give it some thought.

Any other pros and cons, just post them here, I will check back.
Excellent idea! The only courses offered here by the local RE schools are the initial licensing courses and USPAP. You can only take those so many times before hurling out of complete boredom ya know....

I am interested in things like Relocation Appraisals, REO courses, Regression Analysis (Austin's gotten me thinking about this one), Income Capitalization, Condo Appraisals, etc. Finding courses on these specialized topics is really tough. A centralized place to check on the location and dates of such offerings would be mahvelous.

If more of us who are not members of appraisal organizations were aware of such courses offered by these organizations, we may also be more apt to join them. Just a marketing thought.....
Here is the section of AppraiserDepot.com that is designed for continuing education. I don't charge the education providers for basic links because not all of them would be willing to pay. I believe that it is more important for appraisers to have the information available than trying to make money from links.

The section is designed so that appraisers and schools can submit links. Schools can be listed in as many states as they want. There is a special page for online providers and a conference calendar is available, too.

While I have tried to find as many links as I can, there are some states that have only 1 or none. If you know of a school that deserves a link, please submit it.


That's a great site for links, but I think what most of us LAZY appraisers want is to be able to see what classes are upcoming in our regional area without having to click on a dozen links to find course providers, then navagate their sites...

I am not a programing kind of gal, but is it not possible to have a regional or state map, which leads to a calender of classes?

Granted that the providers would have to do the maintainance or pay someone to update, but seems like such a site would have value to we the appraisers and thye the providers.

"Build it and they will come"
Wayne, I have a terrific concept for this that I would like to do, but if you are wanting to do it, let me know.. don't want to take an idea off your forum. :)
I am not a programing kind of gal, but is it not possible to have a regional or state map, which leads to a calender of classes?

Yes, Lee Ann there is, be patient it will be forthcoming. This lazy programmer just hasn't made it yet.
Wayne, I have a terrific concept for this that I would like to do, but if you are wanting to do it, let me know.. don't want to take an idea off your forum. :)

Send me a PM about it. I developed an idea for this and many other projects over the past couple of years, but time constraints keep me from doing all of them, but I will do this one.

Meanwhile, have you looked at the email service you suggested? It is live at:

Is that what you wanted?
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