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What is the fax number and/or address to send new license?

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Junior Member
Feb 12, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
New Jersey
Here in NJ they are just getting around to mailing out new licenses. Can anyone tell me the department and fax number of who we are to send the new license too? Do we have to mail anything out?

Bob Jones
Here's address I have:

Dept of HUD - Chums CIC
The Wanamaker Bldg.
100 Penn Square East
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3380

Customer Service: (800) 440-8647
Fax: (215) 656-3436

Last communications I had with them was signed by a Vance T Morris, Director of Single Family Development Division. Keep your fingers crossed - good luck.


Very helpful and on point. If I may be so bold to add the following:

Most HUD issues, phone numbers, address, forms, handbooks, etc. can be found by simply going to:


Then click on appraisers, and from there you will find wonderous sites :lol: to behold. You can even download an application to be placed on the lregister, FAQ's, and all sorts of eye popping :twisted: and adventerous things to look at.

I thought the renewals went to REAC (Fax 202-708-6969). I sent mine there. I know REAC is in a tizzy but the fax is still plugged in........

Ben: (and Robert)

REAC is my understanding of where to send also
Ben is right (as usual :) ) REAC is where you need to send it

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