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You know you're getting old when

Just to switch from that picture of defecating, i remember something my daughter told me when i was looking at new cars. She said:
Don't get an old man's car.
Yes, cadillacs are out of style in CA. I saw one yesterday and it looked like a hearst.
I went to a mall and parked my Tesla to be supercharged.
When I returned, I took the EV noozle and put it back. Lady in car yelled at me. Sorry, wrong white Tesla car.
First time that happened to me.
But I had recognition problems with my black Honda SUV. Sometimes I go to a luxury SUV thinking that black car is mine.
No doubt with cars all looking alike. My wife once got into the car, looked at that man, and said you're not my husband.
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I went to a mall and parked my Tesla to be supercharged.
When I returned, I took the EV noozle and put it back. Lady in car yelled at me. Sorry, wrong white Tesla car.
First time that happened to me.
But I had recognition problems with my black Honda SUV. Sometimes I go to a luxury SUV thinking that black car is mine.
The only problem with that fable is the charge port is keyed to your personal cell phone and won't disengage the lock on somebody else's vehicle.
The only problem with that fable is the charge port is keyed to your personal cell phone and won't disengage the lock on somebody else's vehicle.
Then why was I able to discharge the other car.
Elon lying again.
Maybe Elon isn't a MF liar, just a deceiver.
The owner was sitting in the Tesla with her cell phone.
Thus, I was able to discharge from her car.
Maybe Elon isn't a MF liar, just a deceiver.
The owner was sitting in the Tesla with her cell phone.
Thus, I was able to discharge from her car.
That isn't how it works, the phone needs to be in close proximity to the charging head, a foot or two at the most.
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