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Total Mobile Bug

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Non Sequitur

Elite Member
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Feb 14, 2002
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Certified Residential Appraiser
Used the iPad in the field, downloaded everything to the desktop. Had to go back out to run the comps. Uploaded the report to my iPhone6 because I find it easier to take comp photos with the phone, but the comp addresses will not map. An error pops up "Geocode Error" when I tap the Map and Directions tab. I uploaded the report and comps to the iPad, no problems. Any suggestions?
You have a bug

Yep, but I will say I'm enjoying the transition to mobile and paperless. It isn't perfect, my iPad crashed a couple of days ago because of the heat, but I'm not going back.
I think that is an error message you get when they don't have that address or it is input incorrectly. And it may relate to too much cached in memory already??? I am thinking google maps...or ?
Its definitely a transition but its worth it. I couldnt imagine going back to pen and paper. Ive being using ipad and Total app about 18 months.
Used the iPad in the field, downloaded everything to the desktop. Had to go back out to run the comps. Uploaded the report to my iPhone6 because I find it easier to take comp photos with the phone, but the comp addresses will not map. An error pops up "Geocode Error" when I tap the Map and Directions tab. I uploaded the report and comps to the iPad, no problems. Any suggestions?

Hi Non,

If you email the XAP to tracy.boehrer at alamode dot com I can take a look as to why.


Tracy Boehrer
Mobile Product Manager
a la mode, inc.
Hi Non,

If you email the XAP to tracy.boehrer at alamode dot com I can take a look as to why.


Tracy Boehrer
Mobile Product Manager
a la mode, inc.
Done, thanks.

PS-No hurry, I finished the report. I started the thread so I can figure out what to do next time.
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Its definitely a transition but its worth it. I couldnt imagine going back to pen and paper. Ive being using ipad and Total app about 18 months.
The transition for me was a near total rework of how I collect and process data. All I ever used was Clickforms so I had to learn TOTAL and TOTAL Mobile. Honestly it was tough, I missed a couple of deadlines and had to accept that my reports wouldn't look the same. I know that sounds strange but how I stack my reports with certain addendums just didn't work the same way. Anyway I'm happy with the results, it's move ahead or get left behind in this business. IMO the residential side is at the beginning of a transition that will change the business more than the introduction of computers did 25-30 years ago.
OK guys and gals, problem solved. I have the old version on my iPhone. The old version has to be uninstalled (make sure you back everything up to the cloud, etc.) and install the new version.
OK guys and gals, problem solved. I have the old version on my iPhone. The old version has to be uninstalled (make sure you back everything up to the cloud, etc.) and install the new version.

Thanks for updating the thread!

When we released the new version in February of this year, we consolidated the iPad and iPhone apps into a single app. This required that the iPhone users have to uninstall the current version and install the new version. This is just for iPhone users; iPad users would have received the update automatically. The new version has significant changes, especially with improvements to Maps and Directions and geocode fixes.

For those wondering how to tell if you have the old version of the iPhone app:

1) From the Files list, open the side menu (by swiping or hitting the upper left button on the toolbar), and check the version at the bottom of the menu. It should display "June 2015 Update".


2) From your home screen open the Settings app. Scroll down until you find "TOTAL". Tap on that, and on the right side scroll down to the bottom. The version should be "2015.06".

You can find the new app by opening the App Store app, and search for "total a la mode". As Non Sequitur said, you should uninstall the old version, so make sure you upload all of your reports first. Then install the new version, and reconnect to the cloud.

This was a confusing upgrade for iPhone users, but this will get you back on track with the latest app and future updates.

Tracy Boehrer
Mobile Product Manager
a la mode, inc.
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