Go back and re-read my posts. I am not making the argument that all difference require an adjustment. However, per Cert #9, of the URAR, if you are using that form to report your appraisal, you are affirmatively certifying that "I have reported adjustments to the comparable sales that reflect the market's reaction to the differences between the subjectproperty and the comparable sales."
To me that does not mean you have to adjust for every single difference between the subject proeprty and the comparable sales, but you most certainly have to make an adjustment (even if that adjustment is zero) for signficant difference in proeprty attributes that that are signficant drivers of value in that market, otherwise, you have signed a false certification. Again, I did not write the cert. and I am not the one signing it in your reports.
In any case, the assertion that there is any such thing as a qualitative adjsutment that can be made to the comparable sales is a demonstration of a basic misunderstanding of the terms "quantiative" and "qualitative" and the definition of what an adjsutment to a comparable sale actually is.
See the below definitions pasted directly from
The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal. I would also suggest that some of the people reading this thread should take the time to read the appropriate sections of
The Appraisal of Real Estate that discusses these topics as there seems to be a misunderstanding of these topics and terms among some of you.
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