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  1. meatsandbounds

    Who All Still Appraises in AZ?

    My primary work keeps me in the east valley and down in central AZ since I cover Maricopa and Pinal counties, but I'm curious of who all on here still appraises in any part of the state. I ask cause I keep getting the "you're a bit young for an appraiser" and I cant be one of a few younger...
  2. A

    Insulated concrete forms vs wood framing in AZ

    Looking to build a small multi family home in Phoenix, AZ. Maybe a duplex up to a fourplex. If I build it with insulated concrete forms instead of wood frame, will it have a positive effect on the appraisal? (As the structure will be stronger, better insulated, and more resistant to termites...
  3. ChristianG

    AZ Trainee Education recommendation

    Hello, fellow appraisers, A friend in AZ wants to become a trainee. He's got a mentor but looking for a school. I learned with Georgia MLS Training education (back in 2017) and I thought it was good. I remember the whole thing was about $650. Now he's asking me about education but I only know...
  4. Ascended

    Looking For An Apprentice / Assistant In Phoenix, Az

    I am looking for an assistant/apprentice to assist in office work. The applicant would be hired as an assistant until August of this year. At that time, if you are looking to become an apprentice, I will mentor. As a reference about myself, I have been appraising for 10 years and certified...
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