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  1. N

    Are We In A Bubble? No, Not Now

    We had a bubble a decade ago so we have good data for what a bubble is so let's compare. The calculated risk blog tracks the ratio of Home prices to the National Wage Index. https://www.calculatedriskblog.com The graph shows that prices are 5-10% higher than normal, but not 35% above normal...
  2. celilola

    Real Estate Bubble & Holding Realtors Accountable For Listing Prices

    We are in a bubble in Flagstaff, AZ. Many people have long said our motto is "Poverty with a view". Area median income is $53k, the average home price is approx $350k and median rent is approx $1800. These numbers clearly don't add up. For the past 6+/- months, we have been seeing multiple...
  3. Scott.A

    Is A Commercial Bubble About To Pop?

    I came across this article this morning: http://wolfstreet.com/2016/11/16/wholl-get-hit-by-fallout-from-the-11-trillion-commercial-property-bubble-in-the-us/ The lead paragraph... What do you think? Are we on the verge of big correction in the commercial market? We're certainly not...
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