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intended user

  1. S

    Realtor reviewed report before it was finalized

    I turned in a report for an order last weekend. Approximately 4 hours later I received a phone call from one of the realtors involved in the purchase of the property. She had viewed the report and had had some specific questions about it. This was unusual for three reasons: 1. To my knowledge...
  2. R

    FHA Intended User

    Hi, I have an appraisal that states “The intended use of the appraisal is solely to assist FHA in assessing the risk of the property securing the FHA-insured mortgage (24 CFR 200.145(b)).” Shouldn’t it also specifically state something along the lines of “FHA and the Mortgagee are the intended...
  3. S

    Restricted Appraisals For Bank Clients

    I am seeing more and more often banks requesting Restricted Appraisals/"Evals", but that their indicated intended users are "Bank and/or affiliates". I argue that with a Restricted Appraisal the intended user should be "Bank only" but I have others telling me I'm just too uptight about who might...
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