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ACI - Digital Photo's don't fit properly in the 'Frame'

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Junior Member
Jan 21, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I previously used MCS, the digital photo's fit perfectly in the frame. I have spoken to ACI about the fact that even though I use a Poloroid Digital camera - my photo's don't fit ( margin is good 1/16 on the top of the 'box' but on the sides is about 3/16 ) - so it looks less than professional. Yes, you can remove the frame, however when sky isn't blue (cloudy or foggy), or house is white it fades into the white page. Any one have any sucess with correcting this. ACI reps give me the 8O 8O , when I ask them about it, was hoping they corrected it in the 8.1.2 :D
I have MCS 8.1 and my photo mats have a space on each side of the photo, but none on the top. I never called about it because I have so many other issues with this newer software. When I call they ask if I have MCS, ACI or Lighthouse...then they mention Poloroid and ask what version I have. It's not uncommon to get a tech person with an attitude when I tell them I have had MCS since 1993 and this is still MCS and to wait and I'll check the version. They made this so complicated....I bought it from them, they have my records, can't they see what I have? The pak utilities is gone...don't know why, and sometimes my whole file disapears. So, to answer your question.....Yes, my photos don't fill the mat either. I just got this upgrade in July so in another year or so I'll just be able to call tech with any potential problem and say....I have Alamode! :x
We don't use MCS anymore but are using ACI. Is there a way to just not print the boarder. I switched it off in ACI there is an option either in the envoirmental or report setup screens to either turn on or off boarders.
When I zoom in or crop a photo with ACI V8.1.2.237 I will change the ratio of width to height of the photo. When that happens the photo is not going to fit the frame perfectly. If I don't zoom or crop the fit of the photo to the frame is very good. It wasn't a problem with V7.3.2 either, unless I zoomed or cropped the photo.
vargasteve; photo's don't go all the way side to side either, but they're clear and you can see the house clearly, what else is it you need????
my last recolection of these photo's are we are not in the "professional photography" business; all and any of the requirements state, you need to provide a; Front / Rear & Street scene of the subject; and front photo's of the comparables. Can you tell me or show me where we need to provide perfect photo's????? Also, what happens when the best photo you can get from a public road, is a long driveway- does it matter if you fill in all the white space or not???

Charlotte, from the posts I've read here-it appears there are more problems with Ala Mode; I don't want to go back to being a techy again, so I'll stay with what works for me 8)
I think if you will print the picture you will find that it will print ok. But I amy be wrong.
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