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ACI Registration Key

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NJ Valuator

Senior Member
Feb 23, 2003
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
New Jersey
I just renewed online(I usually do it with a live person but after holding over an hour I decided to try online renewal). ACI emailed me a 4 digit Product Registration Key(1 letter & 3 numbers).
Where do I input the registration key? I cannot remember where it goes. Thanks.
Found this on their website

Product Registration​

  1. Open ACI Report™.
  2. Go to Help > Product Registration.
    1. Enter the Client Code provided in the email.
    2. Enter your username or a description of the computer in the next field.
    3. Enter your valid email address.
  3. Click Continue.
    1. Enter the company password provided in the email.
    2. Enter the product serial numbers provided in the email with one code per box.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Click Exit on the Congratulations window.
Figured you figured it out but just in case:
Help-product registration-refresh
Product registration-continie then put the code in one of the six boxes
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