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Ad Free Forum

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Louis Pompeo

Nov 23, 2007
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
Mariana Islands
I just signed up for the "Ad Free Forum" and find it a far more pleasant experience than the alternative.

In recent years, it has become necessary for Wayne to let paid advertising take its ever invasive course in order to underwrite the time and expense required to maintain the #1 Appraiser Forum in the United States, if not the world.

Slowly but surely, all the "ad creep" was beginning to grate on the quality of my visits to this forum.

So once I saw Wayne's offer to pay a fee to "turn-off" the ads, I jumped on it.

It's amazing to realize just how improved a frequently used website becomes without advertising!

To my fellow colleagues who frequent this site, I encourage you to sign up for the 'sans advertising' version immediately. You'll be glad you did.

Well done Wayne, and thank you!
Thank you for your kind words. We do aim to please, although we can't please everyone!
Keeping the lights on

Any frequent user of the AppraisersForum should be VERY pleased at the option to exercise this feature.

Many of us spend hundreds of hours per year here, with some spending at least 1,000 hours.

This site has always been free. I just paid $39 for my annual renewal to 'Vanity Fair' magazine.

Sure, it has a few good articles in every issue, but its 75% advertising. And it advertises stuff that I don't use or would never buy. In other words, I spend $39 for a magazine with about 6 issues per year - that does nothing to improve my life, make new friends, learn something important, or make my life easier in so many ways.

This site provides so much to so many and operates on a shoe-string budget.

I sense that you are intimating that some members are complaining about a fee for an 'ad-free' subscription. If that is the case, then the member is wrong.

Having and maintaining this site should not be a one-way street. You have dedicated much of your life to the successful evolution of this site. You've done this for many years without 'passing the basket' or lecturing us on the resources necessary to maintain a site such as this. What little advertising you have done is in the interest of maintaining this site as the pre eminent force that it is.

I'm sure that as time went on, members were complaining about the necessary nuisance of ad revenue. So you provide an option: Contribute to the underwriting of this endeavor and receive ad-free experiences on this site, or two - put up with what little advertising we have to do in order to keep the lights on.

I think both are very good options. I also think it is very generous of you to provide them.

I think that if anyone complains about this "business fact-of-life" that they should give this some thought - not from their perspective, but from the business owners perspective - all this stuff costs money!
Ad Free Forum II

I too, recently bought the add free forum and would recommend it, especially because the pages load so much faster now.
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Glad you guys are enjoying the ad free version, thank you for your kind words!
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