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thought I knew

Freshman Member
Jun 22, 2014
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Anyone else having issues with this AMC. Lately it seems they are trying to find fault with anything and everything. They ask things no other AMC asks for , they send back reports and state the info is not in report and I can clearly find it and send it back to them. Then they Rate us and try to chew us out for their mistakes. It seems they have created jobs in their AMC to "judge and scold" us. I have worked with them for years and have decided enough is enough. It is me or ?????
Who knows. Perhaps one of their clients is vetting them and complaining that they are not reviewing the report closely enough.
I believe Amrock is the AMC of Rocket Mortgage who is in the news lately for being sued by the DOJ for Appraisal discrimination. My guess is that they are likely toughening up their review process in response to that.
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