I ran into a major glitch today when revising a report I completed a couple weeks ago. The scan which creates the XML gave me "Critical Errors" for the subject section of the SCA grid. It erroneously stated that the 3 cells for "Sale or Financing Concessions" and "Date of Sale/Time" were wrong. They are necessarily blank, because the software doesn't even let you enter anything there. I couldn't override it, so called Tech support.
Although I was on hold for close to half an hour, when they answered, the guy was great and took all the time I needed. We wound up uninstalling the new version and reinstalling the previous one until they work the bugs out. He said it should be fixed by next week, and then these types of things will be "Warnings" not critical errors.
Aside from this obvious glitch, the new version can be an issue for revising older reports. I don't want to have to change the Design/Appeal, number of stories, and garage sections on reports that I completed weeks ago when a client only asks that I revise something minimal like adding a comment, etc. So for now, I'll stick with the earlier version until they issue an "all clear".
I'm not complaining, as Clickforms has been good to me. I'm just offering a heads-up...