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Are Things Calming Down???

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Charlotte Dixon

Senior Member
Jan 16, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I'd like to know how you all are doing with your turnaround times. I'm really proud of my 5 day turnaround time now, but noticing the phone and fax are not going crazy like they were. What's it like where you are? :?:
Same here, very slow. Actually enjoying the slow pace for a change, needed the rest badly. Few jobs are sales, most are refi's and PMI removals. Getting more work from private sector than banks. Hope it's not a sign of things to come. It's been almost 5 months since 9/11, and the bubble simply can't expand anymore. Prices here are insane, inventory and marketing time is on the rise, and job market is shaky (not good signs).
Still busy, but not as far behind as I was last month. I get to go to bed before midnight now! Slowed down from being too busy, but stable. I think it is just because most of the refi's are done, I am getting mostly new construction and sales now. Running about a week (5-7 days) turn around time.

I keep a data base of all appraisal on the puter and posted January yesterday. If that pace keeps up my business will increase by 30% this year. January is usually slow. Have 20 on the desk to be done. Only work half the time. Spent a couple hours today holding the grandbaby between inspections. Nobody here but me and the dog and we are both to lazy to feed ourselves. Getting to old to worry about it any more.

January was busy. Very busy. So far, Feb has slowed down. I dont mind a bit for a little break. As far as turn time, even last year. I do 3 days from the date I see the property. I set appointments daily. I attempt to see tommorrow what came in today. Of course, this depends on if I can get in or not. Not that difficult to do if you use assistants and technology to help you.
Like last month, this month is off to a very slow start. Last month was above-average, hopefully this month will follow the same pattern (slow, then busy).

I have been doing a little marketing lately and getting ready for the visit to the accountant for taxes, so I haven't minded the slowdown. Also, plan a week vacation after next week, so it would not be good to get too busy before then. I am looking forward to returning from my trip so that I can start business-building again. One way or the other, I plan to exceed last year's revenues (and last year was pretty good)!

I am concentrating my business on REO work and relocation work. I have had it with the up and down swings of the lender appraisal market. You lender appraisers can have it.
Charlotte is still pretty good. Depends on your cliets. The divorce business is picking up again. I like that work. Fees are higher and turn-around is 2 - 3 weeks. Relo is picking up a bit. Lender work is down a bit I think.
Have you ever thought of diversifying? If you have all your eggs in one basket, you have to watch the basket very closely. :wink: Have a great rest of time!
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