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Bank Rape . Com

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Senior Member
Nov 5, 2008
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
North Carolina
I received a link to this the other day form David Feather. I'm sure he could use some input. This gent says he's a retired appraiser. While I don't see how or why I can manage this thread, let's go for solutions rather than sounding off for a bit (guiltly as charged).

Depending on where it ends up going, so far I like the hard line it's taking.

I would suggest

- a link and some info on our wonderful Federal Reserve System (simple terms).
- breakdown on how any funds (contributions to the site) are managed
- no connection to/disconnecting from the occupy movement

Just scratching the surface, looks new and will likely get some polishing as it develops.



Featured here-

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The examiners are the bank rapers I see. They are now making a client revalue property where folks are making their payment and will make their payment under any normal circumstance but their [pick one] small commercial building ... farm ... is worth less than they owe but the business is cash flowing. So they owe $500,000. They are making all payments..never missed one. They now have a place worth $400,000. The examiners are telling the bankers to make them pony up the $100,000....knowing full well there is not a single one of them that can do so. What kind of idiots are these examiners? I really have to question if in fact the examiners don't have a "dog in the fight"...that is, do they personally invest in a REIT or hedge fund that is buying up distressed properties from banks and is someone feeding these hedge funds information about distressed sales....inquiring minds want to know.
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